An undefined value.
- public const int BINARY_AGE
Like [func@get_binary_age], but from the headers used at application
compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const string IM_MODULE_EXTENSION_POINT_NAME
- public const int INPUT_ERROR
Constant to return from a signal handler for the ::input
signal in case of conversion failure.
- public const int INTERFACE_AGE
Like [func@get_interface_age], but from the headers used at
application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const uint INVALID_LIST_POSITION
The value used to refer to a guaranteed invalid position in a
- public const string LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_FULL
The name used for the stock full offset included by `GtkLevelBar`.
- public const string LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_HIGH
The name used for the stock high offset included by `GtkLevelBar`.
- public const string LEVEL_BAR_OFFSET_LOW
The name used for the stock low offset included by `GtkLevelBar`.
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Like [func@get_major_version], but from the headers used at
application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MAX_COMPOSE_LEN
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Like [func@get_micro_version], but from the headers used at
application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Like [func@get_minor_version], but from the headers used at
application compile time, rather than from the library linked against at application run time.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_A3
Name for the A3 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_A4
Name for the A4 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_A5
Name for the A5 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_B5
Name for the B5 paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_EXECUTIVE
Name for the Executive paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_LEGAL
Name for the Legal paper size.
- public const string PAPER_NAME_LETTER
Name for the Letter paper size.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_COLLATE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_DITHER
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_DUPLEX
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_FINISHINGS
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_MEDIA_TYPE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_NUMBER_UP
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_N_COPIES
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_ORIENTATION
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the file name
of the output without the path to the directory and the file extension.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_BIN
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_DIR
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the directory
to which the output should be written.
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the format of
the output.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_OUTPUT_URI
The key used by the “Print to file” printer to store the URI to
which the output should be written.
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAGE_RANGES
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAGE_SET
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_FORMAT
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_HEIGHT
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PAPER_WIDTH
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINTER_LPI
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_PRINT_PAGES
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_QUALITY
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION_X
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION_Y
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_REVERSE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_SCALE
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_USE_COLOR
- public const string PRINT_SETTINGS_WIN32_DRIVER_EXTRA
- public const int PRIORITY_RESIZE
Use this priority for functionality related to size allocation.
A priority that can be used when adding a `GtkStyleProvider` for
application-specific style information.
The priority used for default style information that is used in the
absence of themes.
The priority used for style information provided via `GtkSettings`.
The priority used for style information provided by themes.
The priority used for the style information from
The priority at which the text view validates onscreen lines in an
idle job in the background.
Uses the default sort function in a [iface@Gtk.
Disables sorting in a [iface@Gtk.
- public delegate int AssistantPageFunc (int current_page)
Type of callback used to calculate the next page in a `GtkAssistant`.
- public delegate void BuildableParserEndElementFunc (BuildableParseContext context, string element_name) throws Error
- public delegate void BuildableParserErrorFunc (BuildableParseContext context, Error error)
- public delegate void BuildableParserStartElementFunc (BuildableParseContext context, string element_name, string[] attribute_names, string[] attribute_values) throws Error
- public delegate void BuildableParserTextFunc (BuildableParseContext context, string text, size_t text_len) throws Error
- public delegate bool CellAllocCallback (CellRenderer renderer, Rectangle cell_area, Rectangle cell_background)
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell
renderers and their allocated areas inside a `GtkCellArea`, see
- public delegate bool CellCallback (CellRenderer renderer)
The type of the callback functions used for iterating over the cell
renderers of a `GtkCellArea`, see @foreach.
- public delegate void CellLayoutDataFunc (CellLayout cell_layout, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel tree_model, TreeIter iter)
A function which should set the value of cell_layout
cell renderer(s) as appropriate.
- public delegate void CustomAllocateFunc (Widget widget, int width, int height, int baseline)
A function to be used by `GtkCustomLayout` to allocate a widget.
- public delegate bool CustomFilterFunc (Object item)
User function that is called to determine if the item
should be matched.
- public delegate void CustomMeasureFunc (Widget widget, Orientation orientation, int for_size, out int minimum, out int natural, out int minimum_baseline, out int natural_baseline)
A function to be used by `GtkCustomLayout` to measure a widget.
- public delegate SizeRequestMode CustomRequestModeFunc (Widget widget)
Queries a widget for its preferred size request mode.
- public delegate void DrawingAreaDrawFunc (DrawingArea drawing_area, Context cr, int width, int height)
Whenever drawing_area
needs to redraw, this function will
be called.
- public delegate bool EntryCompletionMatchFunc (EntryCompletion completion, string key, TreeIter iter)
A function which decides whether the row indicated by iter
matches a given key
, and should be displayed as a possible completion for key
- public delegate void ExpressionNotify ()
Callback called by
watch when the expression value changes.
- public delegate Widget FlowBoxCreateWidgetFunc (Object item)
Called for flow boxes that are bound to a `GListModel`.
- public delegate bool FlowBoxFilterFunc (FlowBoxChild child)
A function that will be called whenever a child changes or is added.
- public delegate void FlowBoxForeachFunc (FlowBox box, FlowBoxChild child)
- public delegate int FlowBoxSortFunc (FlowBoxChild child1, FlowBoxChild child2)
A function to compare two children to determine which should come
- public delegate bool FontFilterFunc (FontFamily family, FontFace face)
The type of function that is used for deciding what fonts get shown in
a `GtkFontChooser`.
- public delegate void IconViewForeachFunc (IconView icon_view, TreePath path)
- public delegate Widget ListBoxCreateWidgetFunc (Object item)
Called for list boxes that are bound to a `GListModel` with
bind_model for each item that gets added to the model.
- public delegate bool ListBoxFilterFunc (ListBoxRow row)
Will be called whenever the row changes or is added and lets you
control if the row should be visible or not.
- public delegate void ListBoxForeachFunc (ListBox box, ListBoxRow row)
- public delegate int ListBoxSortFunc (ListBoxRow row1, ListBoxRow row2)
Compare two rows to determine which should be first.
- public delegate void ListBoxUpdateHeaderFunc (ListBoxRow row, ListBoxRow? before)
Whenever row
changes or which row is before row
changes this is called, which lets you update the header on row
- public delegate Object MapListModelMapFunc (owned Object item)
User function that is called to map an item
of the
original model to an item expected by the map model.
- public delegate void MenuButtonCreatePopupFunc (MenuButton menu_button)
User-provided callback function to create a popup for a
`GtkMenuButton` on demand.
- public delegate void PageSetupDoneFunc (PageSetup page_setup)
- public delegate void PrintSettingsFunc (string key, string value)
- public delegate string ScaleFormatValueFunc (Scale scale, double value)
- public delegate bool ShortcutFunc (Widget widget, Variant? args)
Prototype for shortcuts based on user callbacks.
- public delegate bool TextCharPredicate (unichar ch)
- public delegate void TextTagTableForeach (TextTag tag)
A function used with
@foreach, to iterate over every `GtkTextTag` inside a `GtkTextTagTable`.
- public delegate bool TickCallback (Widget widget, FrameClock frame_clock)
Callback type for adding a function to update animations.
- public delegate void TreeCellDataFunc (TreeViewColumn tree_column, CellRenderer cell, TreeModel tree_model, TreeIter iter)
A function to set the properties of a cell instead of just using the
straight mapping between the cell and the model.
- public delegate int TreeIterCompareFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter a, TreeIter b)
A GtkTreeIterCompareFunc should return a negative integer, zero, or a
positive integer if a
sorts before b
, a
sorts with b
, or a
after b
- public delegate ListModel? TreeListModelCreateModelFunc (Object item)
Prototype of the function called to create new child models when
set_expanded is called.
- public delegate void TreeModelFilterModifyFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter, out Value value, int column)
A function which calculates display values from raw values in the
- public delegate bool TreeModelFilterVisibleFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
A function which decides whether the row indicated by iter
is visible.
- public delegate bool TreeModelForeachFunc (TreeModel model, TreePath path, TreeIter iter)
Type of the callback passed to
@foreach to iterate over the rows in a tree model.
- public delegate void TreeSelectionForeachFunc (TreeModel model, TreePath path, TreeIter iter)
- public delegate bool TreeSelectionFunc (TreeSelection selection, TreeModel model, TreePath path, bool path_currently_selected)
- public delegate bool TreeViewColumnDropFunc (TreeView tree_view, TreeViewColumn column, TreeViewColumn prev_column, TreeViewColumn next_column)
Function type for determining whether column
can be
dropped in a particular spot (as determined by prev_column
and next_column
- public delegate void TreeViewMappingFunc (TreeView tree_view, TreePath path)
- public delegate bool TreeViewRowSeparatorFunc (TreeModel model, TreeIter iter)
Function type for determining whether the row pointed to by iter
should be rendered as a separator.
- public delegate bool TreeViewSearchEqualFunc (TreeModel model, int column, string key, TreeIter iter)
A function used for checking whether a row in model
matches a search key string entered by the user.
- public delegate void WidgetActionActivateFunc (Widget widget, string action_name, Variant parameter)
The type of the callback functions used for activating actions
installed with install_action.
- public ModifierType accelerator_get_default_mod_mask ()
Gets the modifier mask.
- public string accelerator_get_label (uint accelerator_key, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string which
can be used to represent the accelerator to the user.
- public string accelerator_get_label_with_keycode (Display? display, uint accelerator_key, uint keycode, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string that
can be displayed to the user.
- public string accelerator_name (uint accelerator_key, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Converts an accelerator keyval and modifier mask into a string
parseable by accelerator_parse.
- public string accelerator_name_with_keycode (Display? display, uint accelerator_key, uint keycode, ModifierType accelerator_mods)
- public bool accelerator_parse (string accelerator, out uint accelerator_key, out ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Parses a string representing an accelerator.
- public bool accelerator_parse_with_keycode (string accelerator, Display? display, out uint accelerator_key, out uint[] accelerator_codes, out ModifierType accelerator_mods)
Parses a string representing an accelerator.
- public bool accelerator_valid (uint keyval, ModifierType modifiers)
Determines whether a given keyval and modifier mask constitute a valid
keyboard accelerator.
- public void accessible_property_init_value (AccessibleProperty property, Value value)
- public void accessible_relation_init_value (AccessibleRelation relation, Value value)
- public void accessible_state_init_value (AccessibleState state, Value value)
- public bool bitset_iter_init_at (out BitsetIter iter, Bitset @set, uint target, out uint value)
- public bool bitset_iter_init_first (out BitsetIter iter, Bitset @set, out uint value)
- public bool bitset_iter_init_last (out BitsetIter iter, Bitset @set, out uint value)
- public Quark builder_error_quark ()
- public unowned string? check_version (uint required_major, uint required_minor, uint required_micro)
Checks that the GTK library in use is compatible with the given
- public Quark constraint_vfl_parser_error_quark ()
- public void disable_setlocale ()
Prevents [id@gtk_init] and [id@gtk_init_check] from automatically
calling `setlocale (LC_ALL, "")`.
- public int distribute_natural_allocation (int extra_space, RequestedSize[] sizes)
Distributes extra_space
to child sizes
bringing smaller children up to natural size first.
- public bool drag_check_threshold (Widget widget, int start_x, int start_y, int current_x, int current_y)
Checks to see if a drag movement has passed the GTK drag threshold.
- public Quark file_chooser_error_quark ()
- public uint get_binary_age ()
Returns the binary age as passed to `libtool`.
- public DebugFlags get_debug_flags ()
Returns the GTK debug flags that are currently active.
- public unowned Language get_default_language ()
Returns the `PangoLanguage` for the default language currently in
- public uint get_interface_age ()
Returns the interface age as passed to `libtool`.
- public TextDirection get_locale_direction ()
Get the direction of the current locale.
- public uint get_major_version ()
Returns the major version number of the GTK library.
- public uint get_micro_version ()
Returns the micro version number of the GTK library.
- public uint get_minor_version ()
Returns the minor version number of the GTK library.
- public void hsv_to_rgb (float h, float s, float v, out float r, out float g, out float b)
Converts a color from HSV space to RGB.
- public Quark icon_theme_error_quark ()
- public void init ()
Call this function before using any other GTK functions in your GUI
- public bool init_check ()
This function does the same work as
init with only a single change: It does not terminate the program if the windowing system
can’t be initialized.
- public bool is_initialized ()
Use this function to check if GTK has been initialized with
init or init_check.
- public unowned Native? native_get_for_surface (Surface surface)
- public Ordering ordering_from_cmpfunc (int cmpfunc_result)
- public unowned string paper_size_get_default ()
Returns the name of the default paper size, which depends on the
current locale.
- public List<PaperSize> paper_size_get_paper_sizes (bool include_custom)
Creates a list of known paper sizes.
- public Quark print_error_quark ()
- public PageSetup print_run_page_setup_dialog (Window? parent, PageSetup? page_setup, PrintSettings settings)
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from
- public void print_run_page_setup_dialog_async (Window? parent, PageSetup? page_setup, PrintSettings settings, PageSetupDoneFunc done_cb)
Runs a page setup dialog, letting the user modify the values from
- public Quark recent_manager_error_quark ()
- public void rgb_to_hsv (float r, float g, float b, out float h, out float s, out float v)
Converts a color from RGB space to HSV.
- public void set_debug_flags (DebugFlags flags)
Sets the GTK debug flags.
- public void show_about_dialog (Window? parent, ...)
A convenience function for showing an application’s about dialog.
- public void show_uri (Window? parent, string uri, uint32 timestamp)
This function launches the default application for showing a given
uri, or shows an error dialog if that fails.
- public void test_accessible_assertion_message_role (string domain, string file, int line, string func, string expr, Accessible accessible, AccessibleRole expected_role, AccessibleRole actual_role)
- public bool test_accessible_has_property (Accessible accessible, AccessibleProperty property)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible` has property
- public bool test_accessible_has_relation (Accessible accessible, AccessibleRelation relation)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible` has relation
- public bool test_accessible_has_role (Accessible accessible, AccessibleRole role)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible:accessible-role` of the accessible
is role
- public bool test_accessible_has_state (Accessible accessible, AccessibleState state)
Checks whether the `GtkAccessible` has state
- public void test_init (ref unowned string[] argvp, ...)
This function is used to initialize a GTK test program.
- public unowned Type[] test_list_all_types ()
- public void test_register_all_types ()
Force registration of all core GTK object types.
- public void test_widget_wait_for_draw (Widget widget)
Enters the main loop and waits for widget
to be
- public ContentProvider tree_create_row_drag_content (TreeModel tree_model, TreePath path)
Creates a content provider for dragging path
- public bool tree_get_row_drag_data (Value value, out unowned TreeModel? tree_model, out TreePath? path)
Obtains a tree_model
and path
from value of
target type gtk_type_tree_row_data.
- public void tree_row_reference_deleted (Object proxy, TreePath path)
Lets a set of row reference created by
TreeRowReference.proxy know that the model
emitted the ::row-deleted
- public void tree_row_reference_inserted (Object proxy, TreePath path)
Lets a set of row reference created by
TreeRowReference.proxy know that the model
emitted the ::row-inserted
- public Expression? value_dup_expression (Value value)
Retrieves the `GtkExpression` stored inside the given `value`, and
acquires a reference to it.
- public unowned Expression? value_get_expression (ref Value value)
Retrieves the `GtkExpression` stored inside the given `value`.
- public void value_set_expression (ref Value value, Expression expression)
Stores the given `GtkExpression` inside `value`.
- public void value_take_expression (ref Value value, owned Expression? expression)
Stores the given `GtkExpression` inside `value`.