The `GtkBox` widget arranges child widgets into a single row or column.
![An example GtkBox](box.png)
Whether it is a row or column depends on the value of its [[email protected]:orientation] property. Within the other dimension, all children are allocated the same size. Of course, the [[email protected]:halign] and [[email protected]:valign] properties can be used on the children to influence their allocation.
Use repeated calls to [[email protected]] to pack widgets into a `GtkBox` from start to end. Use [[email protected]] to remove widgets from the `GtkBox`. [[email protected]_child_after] can be used to add a child at a particular position.
Use [[email protected]_homogeneous] to specify whether or not all children of the `GtkBox` are forced to get the same amount of space.
Use [[email protected]_spacing] to determine how much space will be minimally placed between all children in the `GtkBox`. Note that spacing is added *between* the children.
Use [[email protected]_child_after] to move a child to a different place in the box.
`GtkBox` uses a single CSS node with name box.
`GtkBox` uses the gtk_accessible_role_group role.