

[ CCode ( cprefix = "GTK_ALIGN_" , type_id = "gtk_align_get_type ()" ) ]
public enum Align

Controls how a widget deals with extra space in a single dimension.

Alignment only matters if the widget receives a “too large” allocation, for example if you packed the widget with the [ [email protected]:hexpand] property inside a [class@Box], then the widget might get extra space. If you have for example a 16x16 icon inside a 32x32 space, the icon could be scaled and stretched, it could be centered, or it could be positioned to one side of the space.

Note that in horizontal context gtk_align_start and gtk_align_end are interpreted relative to text direction.

gtk_align_baseline support is optional for containers and widgets, and it is only supported for vertical alignment. When it's not supported by a child or a container it is treated as gtk_align_fill.

Namespace: Gtk
Package: gtk4


Enum values: