
Object Hierarchy:

Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.Popover Gtk.Popover Gtk.Popover->Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.Widget Gtk.Widget Gtk.Widget->Gtk.Popover GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned GLib.InitiallyUnowned->Gtk.Widget GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->GLib.InitiallyUnowned Gtk.Accessible Gtk.Accessible Gtk.Accessible->Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.Accessible->Gtk.Popover Gtk.Accessible->Gtk.Widget Gtk.Buildable Gtk.Buildable Gtk.Buildable->Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.Buildable->Gtk.Popover Gtk.Buildable->Gtk.Widget Gtk.ConstraintTarget Gtk.ConstraintTarget Gtk.ConstraintTarget->Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.ConstraintTarget->Gtk.Popover Gtk.ConstraintTarget->Gtk.Widget Gtk.Native Gtk.Native Gtk.Native->Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.Native->Gtk.Popover Gtk.ShortcutManager Gtk.ShortcutManager Gtk.ShortcutManager->Gtk.PopoverMenu Gtk.ShortcutManager->Gtk.Popover


[ CCode ( type_id = "gtk_popover_menu_get_type ()" ) ]
public class PopoverMenu : Popover, Accessible, Buildable, ConstraintTarget, Native, ShortcutManager

`GtkPopoverMenu` is a subclass of `GtkPopover` that implements menu behavior.

![An example GtkPopoverMenu](menu.png)

`GtkPopoverMenu` treats its children like menus and allows switching between them. It can open submenus as traditional, nested submenus, or in a more touch-friendly sliding fashion.

`GtkPopoverMenu` is meant to be used primarily with menu models, using [[email protected]_from_model]. If you need to put other widgets such as a `GtkSpinButton` or a `GtkSwitch` into a popover, you can use [[email protected]_child].

For more dialog-like behavior, use a plain `GtkPopover`.

Menu models

The XML format understood by `GtkBuilder` for `GMenuModel` consists of a toplevel `<menu>` element, which contains one or more ` <item>` elements. Each `<item>` element contains `<attribute>` and `<link>` elements with a mandatory name attribute. `<link>` elements have the same content model as `<menu>`. Instead of `<link name="submenu">` or `<link name="section">`, you can use `<submenu>` or `<section>` elements.

```xml <menu id='app-menu'> <section> <item> <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_New Window< /attribute> <attribute name='action'>app.new</attribute> </item> <item> <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_About Sunny</attribute> <attribute name='action'>app.about</attribute> </item> <item > <attribute name='label' translatable='yes'>_Quit</attribute> <attribute name='action'>app.quit</attribute> </item> </section> </menu> ```

Attribute values can be translated using gettext, like other `GtkBuilder` content. `<attribute>` elements can be marked for translation with a `translatable="yes"` attribute. It is also possible to specify message context and translator comments, using the context and comments attributes. To make use of this, the `GtkBuilder` must have been given the gettext domain to use.

The following attributes are used when constructing menu items:

  • "label": a user-visible string to display
  • "use-markup": whether the text in the menu item includes Pango markup
  • "action": the prefixed name of the action to trigger
  • "target": the parameter to use when activating the action
  • "icon" and "verb-icon": names of icons that may be displayed
  • "submenu-action": name of an action that may be used to track whether a submenu is open
  • "hidden-when": a string used to determine when the item will be hidden. Possible values include "action-disabled", "action-missing", "macos-menubar". This is mainly useful for exported menus, see [[email protected]_menubar].
  • "custom": a string used to match against the ID of a custom child added with [[email protected]_child], [ [email protected]_child], or in the ui file with `<child type="ID">`.

The following attributes are used when constructing sections:

  • "label": a user-visible string to use as section heading
  • "display-hint": a string used to determine special formatting for the section. Possible values include "horizontal-buttons", "circular-buttons" and "inline-buttons". They all indicate that section should be displayed as a horizontal row of buttons.
  • "text-direction": a string used to determine the `GtkTextDirection` to use when "display-hint" is set to "horizontal-buttons". Possible values include "rtl", "ltr", and "none".

The following attributes are used when constructing submenus:

  • "label": a user-visible string to display
  • "icon": icon name to display

Menu items will also show accelerators, which are usually associated with actions via [[email protected]_accels_for_action], [ id@gtk_widget_class_add_binding_action] or [[email protected]_shortcut].

CSS Nodes

`GtkPopoverMenu` is just a subclass of `GtkPopover` that adds custom content to it, therefore it has the same CSS nodes. It is one of the cases that add a .menu style class to the popover's main node.


`GtkPopoverMenu` uses the gtk_accessible_role_menu role, and its items use the gtk_accessible_role_menu_item, gtk_accessible_role_menu_item_checkbox or gtk_accessible_role_menu_item_radio roles, depending on the action they are connected to.

Namespace: Gtk
Package: gtk4



Creation methods:


Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class Gtk.Widget
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.Native
All known members inherited from interface Gtk.ShortcutManager

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