- public void @foreach (TagForeachFunc func)
Calls the given function for each tag inside the tag list.
- public void add (TagMergeMode mode, string tag, ...)
Sets the values for the given tags using the specified mode.
- public void add_valist (TagMergeMode mode, string tag, va_list var_args)
Sets the values for the given tags using the specified mode.
- public void add_valist_values (TagMergeMode mode, string tag, va_list var_args)
Sets the GValues for the given tags using the specified mode.
- public void add_value (TagMergeMode mode, string tag, Value value)
Sets the GValue for a given tag using the specified mode.
- public void add_values (TagMergeMode mode, string tag, ...)
Sets the GValues for the given tags using the specified mode.
- public TagList copy ()
Creates a new TagList as a copy of the old
- public bool get_boolean (string tag, out bool value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_boolean_index (string tag, uint index, out bool value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_date (string tag, out Date value)
Copies the first date for the given tag in the taglist into the
variable pointed to by value
- public bool get_date_index (string tag, uint index, out Date value)
Gets the date that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by value
- public bool get_date_time (string tag, out DateTime value)
Copies the first datetime for the given tag in the taglist into the
variable pointed to by value
- public bool get_date_time_index (string tag, uint index, out DateTime value)
Gets the datetime that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by value
- public bool get_double (string tag, out double value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_double_index (string tag, uint index, out double value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_float (string tag, out float value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_float_index (string tag, uint index, out float value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_int (string tag, out int value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_int64 (string tag, out int64 value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_int64_index (string tag, uint index, out int64 value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_int_index (string tag, uint index, out int value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_pointer (string tag, out void* value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_pointer_index (string tag, uint index, out void* value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_sample (string tag, out Sample sample)
Copies the first sample for the given tag in the taglist into the
variable pointed to by sample
- public bool get_sample_index (string tag, uint index, out Sample sample)
Gets the sample that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list and copies it into the variable pointed to by sample
- public TagScope get_scope ()
Gets the scope of this.
- public bool get_string (string tag, out string value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, possibly merging
multiple values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_string_index (string tag, uint index, out string value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public uint get_tag_size (string tag)
Checks how many value are stored in this tag list for the given tag.
- public bool get_uint (string tag, out uint value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_uint64 (string tag, out uint64 value)
Copies the contents for the given tag into the value, merging multiple
values into one if multiple values are associated with the tag.
- public bool get_uint64_index (string tag, uint index, out uint64 value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public bool get_uint_index (string tag, uint index, out uint value)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public unowned Value? get_value_index (string tag, uint index)
Gets the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public void insert (TagList from, TagMergeMode mode)
Inserts the tags of the from
list into the first list
using the given mode.
- public bool is_empty ()
Checks if the given taglist is empty.
- public bool is_equal (TagList list2)
Checks if the two given taglists are equal.
- public TagList? merge (TagList? list2, TagMergeMode mode)
Merges the two given lists into a new list.
- public int n_tags ()
Get the number of tags in this.
- public unowned string nth_tag_name (uint index)
Get the name of the tag in this at
- public bool peek_string_index (string tag, uint index, out unowned string value)
Peeks at the value that is at the given index for the given tag in the
given list.
- public void remove_tag (string tag)
Removes the given tag from the taglist.
- public void set_scope (TagScope scope)
Sets the scope of this to
- public string? to_string ()
Serializes a tag list to a string.