
Object Hierarchy:

Vda.SqlExpressionValueParameter Vda.SqlExpressionValueParameter Vda.SqlExpressionValueParameter GLib.Object GLib.Object GLib.Object->Vda.SqlExpressionValueParameter Vda.SqlExpression Vda.SqlExpression Vda.SqlExpression->Vda.SqlExpressionValueParameter Vda.SqlExpressionValue Vda.SqlExpressionValue Vda.SqlExpressionValue->Vda.SqlExpressionValueParameter


public interface SqlExpressionValueParameter : Object, SqlExpression, SqlExpressionValue

Represent a value associated to a parameter in an SQL expression

The default string representation if no parameter with the same name is found is: ##parameter_name::parameter_type, where 'parameter_name' is the actual name and 'parameter_type' is the GLib.Type's name, see gtype_from_string for some custom type's names supported when SqlExpression.parse is used to parse from a string.

All known implementing classes:

Namespace: Vda
Package: vda-1



Static methods:


Inherited Members:

All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
All known members inherited from interface Vda.SqlExpression
All known members inherited from interface Vda.SqlExpressionValue

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