Vala Data Access library, a set of interfaces to connect to databases and execute queries
- Vda
- ColumnModel - Represent a column in a row of a
table model
- Connection - An interface representing a database
engine connection.
- ConnectionBlob - Represents a connection with
large objects handling capabilities.
- ConnectionRolebased - Represents a
database engine connection, with transactions capabilities
- ConnectionTransactional - Represents
a database engine connection, with transactions capabilities
- DataCollection - Implementators will be able
to execute a SELECT to get all objects in the database related to a
parent object.
- DataObject - Represent managable row data in a
Table in the database.
- HashModel - A
GLib.ListModel using a GLib.Object as a hash key to find objects in the collection.
- Inserted - Is a result from a query inserting rows,
with the number of rows and last row inserted
- MetaNamedObject - Base interface for named
introspected database's objects
- MetaObject - Base interface for introspected
database's objects
- ParsedQuery - Represented a prepared query.
Values required by query can be set by using paramenters property.
- PreparedQuery - Represented a prepared query.
Values required by query can be set by using paramenters property.
- Query - An interface to be represent any query to be
executed by providers
- Result - Represent any result after execute a query
- Role - An interface for database Access Control
- RowModel - Represent a row in a table model.
- SqlAffectedRows - Is a result from a query
with a number of afected rows
- SqlCommand - Represent an SQL command
- SqlCommandConditional - Represent an
SQL command using a condition to filter
- SqlCommandDelete - Represent an SQL DELETE
- SqlCommandInsert - Represent an SQL command
- SqlCommandModification - Represent an
SQL command to modify tables in the database
- SqlCommandParametrized - Represent an
SQL command with parameters
- SqlCommandSelect - Represent an SELECT SQL
- SqlCommandTableRelated - Represent an
SQL command
- SqlCommandUpdate - Represent an SQL command
- SqlExpression - Represent an expression in an
SQL command.
- SqlExpressionField - Represent field in a
column as an expression
- SqlExpressionOperator - Represent an
operator in an SqlExpression
- SqlExpressionOperatorAnd - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic AND operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorBetween -
An SqlExpressionOperator for BETWEEN auxiliary void operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorBetweenAnd -
An SqlExpressionOperator for BETWEEN /
AND operator, in the form x BETWEEN y AND z
- SqlExpressionOperatorBetweenSymmetric -
An SqlExpressionOperator for BETWEEN
SYMMETRIC auxiliary void operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorBetweenSymmetricAnd -
An SqlExpressionOperator for BETWEEN
SYMMETRIC / AND operator, in the form x BETWEEN SYMMETRIC y AND z
- SqlExpressionOperatorBinaryUnaryterm -
An SqlExpressionOperator for two or one
term operators
- SqlExpressionOperatorBinaryterm -
An SqlExpressionOperator for two terms
- SqlExpressionOperatorConcatenate -
An SqlExpressionOperator for CONCATENATE
operator for strings
- SqlExpressionOperatorDiff - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic DIFF operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorDiv - An
SqlExpressionOperator for DIVISION (/) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorEq - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic EQUAL (=) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorFinalUnaryterm -
An SqlExpressionOperator for one term
after located operators
- SqlExpressionOperatorGeq - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic GREATHER OR EQUAL THAN (>=) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorGroup - An
SqlExpressionOperator for grouping expressions
- SqlExpressionOperatorGt - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic GREATHER THAN (>) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIlike - An
SqlExpressionOperator for ILIKE operator for strings
- SqlExpressionOperatorIn - An
SqlExpressionOperator for IN operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorInitialUnaryterm -
An SqlExpressionOperator for one term
initial located operators
- SqlExpressionOperatorIs - An
SqlExpressionOperator for IS operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsDistinct -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS DISTINCT
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsDistinctFrom -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS DISTINCT
FROM operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsFalse -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS FALSE operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNot - An
SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNotDistinct -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT
DISTINCT operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNotDistinctFrom -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNotFalse -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT FALSE
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNotNull -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT NULL
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNotTrue -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT TRUE
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNotUnknown -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS NOT
UNKNOWN operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsNull - An
SqlExpressionOperator for IS NULL operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsTrue - An
SqlExpressionOperator for IS TRUE operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorIsUnknown -
An SqlExpressionOperator for IS UNKNOWN
- SqlExpressionOperatorLeq - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic LESS OR EQUAL THAN (<=) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorLike - An
SqlExpressionOperator for LIKE operator for strings
- SqlExpressionOperatorLt - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic LESS THAN (<) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorMinus - An
SqlExpressionOperator for MINUS (-) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorMultiterm -
An SqlExpressionOperator for multiple
terms operators
- SqlExpressionOperatorNot - An
SqlExpressionOperator for NOT operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotBetween -
An SqlExpressionOperator for NOT BETWEEN
auxiliary void operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotBetweenAnd -
An SqlExpressionOperator for NOT BETWEEN
/ AND operator, in the form x NOT BETWEEN y AND z
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotBetweenSymmetric -
An SqlExpressionOperator for NOT BETWEEN
SYMMETRIC auxiliary void operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotBetweenSymmetricAnd -
An SqlExpressionOperator for NOT BETWEEN
SYMMETRIC / AND operator, in the form x NOT BETWEEN SYMMETRIC y AND z
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotEq - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic NOT EQUAL (!=) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotIlike -
An SqlExpressionOperator for NOT ILIKE
operator for strings
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotIn - An
SqlExpressionOperator for NOT IN operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorNotLike -
An SqlExpressionOperator for NOT LIKE operator for strings
- SqlExpressionOperatorOr - An
SqlExpressionOperator for logic OR operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorPlus - An
SqlExpressionOperator for MINUS (+) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorRegexp - An
SqlExpressionOperator for REGULAR EXPRESSION operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorSimilarTo -
An SqlExpressionOperator for SIMILAR TO
operator for strings
- SqlExpressionOperatorStar - An
SqlExpressionOperator for STAR (*) operator
- SqlExpressionOperatorThreeterm -
An SqlExpressionOperator for three terms
- SqlExpressionValue - Represent an SQL
value command
- SqlExpressionValueParameter -
Represent a value associated to a parameter in an SQL expression
- SqlParameters - Set parameters for a prepared
- SqlParser - An SQL Parser creating
Vda.SqlCommandParametrized modificable queries
- SqlTableReference - Represent an SQL
- SqlValue - Represent an SQL value.
- SqlValueBinary - Value representing byte
sequense data
- SqlValueBit - A one bit value
- SqlValueBlob - Value representing a large binary
- SqlValueBlobOid - Value representing a large
binary object with an associated object's identifier
- SqlValueBool - A boolean value
- SqlValueByte - A value representing an Integer
of one byte long
- SqlValueDate - Value representing a date
- SqlValueDouble - Value representing a float
double precision number
- SqlValueFloat - Value representing a float
single precision number
- SqlValueGeometricPoint - A value
representing a geometric point
- SqlValueInt2 - A value representing an Integer
of two bytes long
- SqlValueInt4 - A value representing an Integer
of four bytes long
- SqlValueInt8 - A value representing an Integer
of eight bytes long
- SqlValueInteger - A value representing an
- SqlValueJson - A string value holding JSON data.
- SqlValueMathExp - A Math Expression holder
- SqlValueMoney - Value representing a float
point number for use a monetary quantities
- SqlValueName - A text string value, representing
a user's name
- SqlValueNull - Null representation of a value
- SqlValueNumeric - A value representing a
number with variable precision
- SqlValueOid - A value representing an Integer for
database object identification
- SqlValueString - A string value, by default
using UTF-8.
- SqlValueText - A text string value, as a long or
undefined length string
- SqlValueTime - Value representing a time with
time zone
- SqlValueTimeNtz - Value representing a time
without time zone
- SqlValueTimestamp - Value representing a
timestamp with time zone
- SqlValueTimestampNtz - Value
representing a timestamp without time zone
- SqlValueUnsignedByte - A value
representing an Integer of one byte long
- SqlValueUnsignedInt2 - A value
representing an Integer of two bytes long
- SqlValueUnsignedInt4 - A value
representing an Integer of four bytes long
- SqlValueUnsignedInt8 - A value
representing an Integer of eight bytes long
- SqlValueUnsignedInteger - A value
representing an unsiged integer
- SqlValueXml - A string value holding XML data.
- Stringifiable - Set parameters for a prepared
- TableModel - A
Vda.Result from a select query representing a table with rows and columns, as a
GLib.ListModel of Vda.RowModel objects.
- TableModelSequential - A
Vda.Result from a select query representing a table with sequential access
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