- public void @break (string text, int length, Analysis analysis, LogAttr[] attrs)
Determines possible line, word, and character breaks for a string of
Unicode text with a single analysis.
- public Attribute attr_allow_breaks_new (bool allow_breaks)
Create a new allow-breaks attribute.
- public Attribute attr_background_alpha_new (uint16 alpha)
Create a new background alpha attribute.
- public Attribute attr_background_new (uint16 red, uint16 green, uint16 blue)
Create a new background color attribute.
- public Attribute attr_baseline_shift_new (int shift)
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
- public void attr_break (string text, int length, AttrList attr_list, int offset, LogAttr[] attrs)
Apply customization from attributes to the breaks in attrs
- public Attribute attr_fallback_new (bool enable_fallback)
Create a new font fallback attribute.
- public Attribute attr_family_new (string family)
Create a new font family attribute.
- public Attribute attr_font_desc_new (FontDescription desc)
Create a new font description attribute.
- public Attribute attr_font_scale_new (FontScale scale)
Create a new font scale attribute.
- public Attribute attr_foreground_alpha_new (uint16 alpha)
Create a new foreground alpha attribute.
- public Attribute attr_foreground_new (uint16 red, uint16 green, uint16 blue)
Create a new foreground color attribute.
- public Attribute attr_gravity_hint_new (GravityHint hint)
Create a new gravity hint attribute.
- public Attribute attr_gravity_new (Gravity gravity)
Create a new gravity attribute.
- public Attribute attr_insert_hyphens_new (bool insert_hyphens)
Create a new insert-hyphens attribute.
- public Attribute attr_letter_spacing_new (int letter_spacing)
Create a new letter-spacing attribute.
- public Attribute attr_line_height_new (double factor)
Modify the height of logical line extents by a factor.
- public Attribute attr_line_height_new_absolute (int height)
Override the height of logical line extents to be height
- public AttrList? attr_list_from_string (string text)
Deserializes a `PangoAttrList` from a string.
- public Attribute attr_overline_color_new (uint16 red, uint16 green, uint16 blue)
Create a new overline color attribute.
- public Attribute attr_overline_new (Overline overline)
Create a new overline-style attribute.
- public Attribute attr_rise_new (int rise)
Create a new baseline displacement attribute.
- public Attribute attr_scale_new (double scale_factor)
Create a new font size scale attribute.
- public Attribute attr_sentence_new ()
Marks the range of the attribute as a single sentence.
- public Attribute attr_show_new (ShowFlags flags)
Create a new attribute that influences how invisible characters are
- public Attribute attr_stretch_new (Stretch stretch)
Create a new font stretch attribute.
- public Attribute attr_strikethrough_color_new (uint16 red, uint16 green, uint16 blue)
Create a new strikethrough color attribute.
- public Attribute attr_strikethrough_new (bool strikethrough)
Create a new strike-through attribute.
- public Attribute attr_style_new (Style style)
Create a new font slant style attribute.
- public Attribute attr_text_transform_new (TextTransform transform)
Create a new attribute that influences how characters are transformed
during shaping.
- public unowned string? attr_type_get_name (AttrType type)
- public AttrType attr_type_register (string name)
- public Attribute attr_underline_color_new (uint16 red, uint16 green, uint16 blue)
Create a new underline color attribute.
- public Attribute attr_underline_new (Underline underline)
Create a new underline-style attribute.
- public Attribute attr_variant_new (Variant variant)
Create a new font variant attribute (normal or small caps).
- public Attribute attr_weight_new (Weight weight)
Create a new font weight attribute.
- public Attribute attr_word_new ()
Marks the range of the attribute as a single word.
- public BidiType bidi_type_for_unichar (unichar ch)
- public void default_break (string text, int length, Analysis? analysis, LogAttr attrs, int attrs_len)
This is the default break algorithm.
- public void extents_to_pixels (Rectangle? inclusive, Rectangle? nearest)
Converts extents from Pango units to device units.
- public Direction find_base_dir (string text, int length)
Searches a string the first character that has a strong direction,
according to the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
- public void find_paragraph_boundary (string text, int length, out int paragraph_delimiter_index, out int next_paragraph_start)
Locates a paragraph boundary in text
- public FontDescription font_description_from_string (string str)
Creates a new font description from a string representation.
- public void get_log_attrs (string text, int length, int level, Language language, LogAttr[] attrs)
Computes a `PangoLogAttr` for each character in text
- public bool get_mirror_char (unichar ch, unichar mirrored_ch)
Returns the mirrored character of a Unicode character.
- public Gravity gravity_get_for_matrix (Matrix? matrix)
- public Gravity gravity_get_for_script (Script script, Gravity base_gravity, GravityHint hint)
- public Gravity gravity_get_for_script_and_width (Script script, bool wide, Gravity base_gravity, GravityHint hint)
- public double gravity_to_rotation (Gravity gravity)
- public bool is_zero_width (unichar ch)
Checks if a character that should not be normally rendered.
- public List<Item> itemize (Context context, string text, int start_index, int length, AttrList attrs, AttrIterator? cached_iter)
Breaks a piece of text into segments with consistent directional level
and font.
- public List<Item> itemize_with_base_dir (Context context, Direction base_dir, string text, int start_index, int length, AttrList attrs, AttrIterator? cached_iter)
Like `pango_itemize()`, but with an explicitly specified base
- public unowned Language? language_from_string (string? language)
Convert a language tag to a `PangoLanguage`.
- public unowned Language language_get_default ()
Returns the `PangoLanguage` for the current locale of the process.
- public unowned Language? language_get_preferred ()
Returns the list of languages that the user prefers.
- public Quark layout_deserialize_error_quark ()
- public uint8 log2vis_get_embedding_levels (string text, int length, ref Direction pbase_dir)
Return the bidirectional embedding levels of the input paragraph.
- public bool markup_parser_finish (MarkupParseContext context, out AttrList attr_list, out string text, out unichar accel_char) throws Error
Finishes parsing markup.
- public unowned MarkupParseContext markup_parser_new (unichar accel_marker)
Incrementally parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string and
an attribute list.
- public bool parse_enum (Type type, string? str, out int value, bool warn, out string possible_values)
Parses an enum type and stores the result in value
- public bool parse_markup (string markup_text, int length, unichar accel_marker, out AttrList attr_list, out string text, out unichar accel_char) throws Error
Parses marked-up text to create a plain-text string and an attribute
- public bool parse_stretch (string str, out Stretch stretch, bool warn)
Parses a font stretch.
- public bool parse_style (string str, out Style style, bool warn)
Parses a font style.
- public bool parse_variant (string str, out Variant variant, bool warn)
Parses a font variant.
- public bool parse_weight (string str, out Weight weight, bool warn)
Parses a font weight.
- public void quantize_line_geometry (ref int thickness, ref int position)
Quantizes the thickness and position of a line to whole device pixels.
- public int read_line (FileStream stream, StringBuilder str)
Reads an entire line from a file into a buffer.
- public List<Item> reorder_items (List<Item> items)
Reorder items from logical order to visual order.
- public bool scan_int (ref string pos, out int @out)
Scans an integer.
- public bool scan_string (ref string pos, StringBuilder @out)
Scans a string into a `GString` buffer.
- public bool scan_word (ref string pos, StringBuilder @out)
Scans a word into a `GString` buffer.
- public Script script_for_unichar (unichar ch)
- public Language? script_get_sample_language (Script script)
- public void shape (string text, int length, Analysis analysis, GlyphString glyphs)
Convert the characters in text
into glyphs.
- public void shape_full (string item_text, int item_length, string? paragraph_text, int paragraph_length, Analysis analysis, GlyphString glyphs)
Convert the characters in text
into glyphs.
- public void shape_item (Item item, string? paragraph_text, int paragraph_length, LogAttr? log_attrs, GlyphString glyphs, ShapeFlags flags)
Convert the characters in item
into glyphs.
- public void shape_with_flags (string item_text, int item_length, string? paragraph_text, int paragraph_length, Analysis analysis, GlyphString glyphs, ShapeFlags flags)
Convert the characters in text
into glyphs.
- public bool skip_space (ref string pos)
Skips 0 or more characters of white space.
- public string[] split_file_list (string str)
Splits a g_searchpath_separator
-separated list of files, stripping white space and substituting ~/ with $HOME/.
- public TabArray? tab_array_from_string (string text)
Deserializes a `PangoTabArray` from a string.
- public void tailor_break (string text, int length, Analysis analysis, int offset, LogAttr[] attrs)
Apply language-specific tailoring to the breaks in attrs
- public string trim_string (string str)
Trims leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
- public Direction unichar_direction (unichar ch)
Determines the inherent direction of a character.
- public int units_from_double (double d)
Converts a floating-point number to Pango units.
- public double units_to_double (int i)
Converts a number in Pango units to floating-point.
- public int version ()
Returns the encoded version of Pango available at run-time.
- public unowned string? version_check (int required_major, int required_minor, int required_micro)
Checks that the Pango library in use is compatible with the given
- public unowned string version_string ()
Returns the version of Pango available at run-time.