
Object Hierarchy:

Json.Object Json.Object Json.Object


[ CCode ( ref_function = "json_object_ref" , type_id = "json_object_get_type ()" , unref_function = "json_object_unref" ) ]
[ Compact ]
public class Object

`JsonObject` is the representation of the object type inside JSON.

A `JsonObject` contains [[email protected]] "members", which may contain fundamental types, arrays or other objects; each member of an object is accessed using a unique string, or "name".

Since objects can be arbitrarily big, copying them can be expensive; for this reason they are reference counted. You can control the lifetime of a `JsonObject` using [[email protected]] and [[email protected]].

To add or overwrite a member with a given name, use [[email protected]_member].

To extract a member with a given name, use [[email protected]_member].

To retrieve the list of members, use [[email protected]_members].

To retrieve the size of the object (that is, the number of members it has), use [[email protected]_size].

Namespace: Json
Package: json-glib-1.0


Creation methods:


2022 vala-language.org