Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( cname = "graphene_vec3_t" , copy_function = "g_boxed_copy" , free_function = "g_boxed_free" , type_id = "graphene_vec3_get_type ()" ) ]public struct Vec3
A structure capable of holding a vector with three dimensions: x, y, and z.
The contents of the Vec3 structure are private and should never be accessed directly.
Static methods:
public static unowned Vec3 ? one ()
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components, all
sets to 1.
public static unowned Vec3 ? x_axis ()
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components with
values set to (1, 0, 0).
public static unowned Vec3 ? y_axis ()
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components with
values set to (0, 1, 0).
public static unowned Vec3 ? z_axis ()
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components with
values set to (0, 0, 1).
public static unowned Vec3 ? zero ()
Provides a constant pointer to a vector with three components, all
sets to 0.
public Vec3 add (Vec3 b)
Adds each component of the two given vectors.
public Vec3 cross (Vec3 b)
Computes the cross product of the two given vectors.
public Vec3 divide (Vec3 b)
Divides each component of the first operand
this by the corresponding component of the second operand b
, and places the results
into the vector res
public float dot (Vec3 b)
Computes the dot product of the two given vectors.
public bool equal (Vec3 v2)
Checks whether the two given Vec3 are
public float get_x ()
Retrieves the first component of the given vector
this .
public Vec2 get_xy ()
Creates a Vec2 that
contains the first and second components of the given Vec3 .
public Vec3 get_xy0 ()
Creates a Vec3 that contains the first two
components of the given Vec3 , and the third component set to 0.
public Vec4 get_xyz0 ()
Converts a Vec3 in a
Vec4 using 0.0 as the value for the fourth component of the resulting vector.
public Vec4 get_xyz1 ()
Converts a Vec3 in a
Vec4 using 1.0 as the value for the fourth component of the resulting vector.
public Vec4 get_xyzw (float w)
Converts a Vec3 in a
Vec4 using w
as the value of the fourth component of the resulting
public float get_y ()
Retrieves the second component of the given vector
this .
public float get_z ()
Retrieves the third component of the given vector
this .
public unowned Vec3 ? init (float x, float y, float z)
Initializes a Vec3 using the given values.
public unowned Vec3 ? init_from_float (float [] src)
Initializes a Vec3 with the values from an
public unowned Vec3 ? init_from_vec3 (Vec3 src)
Initializes a Vec3 with the values of
another Vec3 .
public Vec3 interpolate (Vec3 v2, double factor)
Linearly interpolates this and
using the given factor
public float length ()
Retrieves the length of the given vector
this .
public Vec3 max (Vec3 b)
Compares each component of the two given vectors and creates a vector
that contains the maximum values.
public Vec3 min (Vec3 b)
Compares each component of the two given vectors and creates a vector
that contains the minimum values.
public Vec3 multiply (Vec3 b)
Multiplies each component of the two given vectors.
public bool near (Vec3 v2, float epsilon)
Compares the two given Vec3 vectors and
checks whether their values are within the given epsilon
public Vec3 negate ()
Negates the given Vec3 .
public Vec3 normalize ()
Normalizes the given Vec3 .
public Vec3 scale (float factor)
Multiplies all components of the given vector with the given scalar
public Vec3 subtract (Vec3 b)
Subtracts from each component of the first operand
this the corresponding component of the second operand b
and places each result into
the components of res
public void to_float (ref float [] dest)
Copies the components of a Vec3 into the
given array.