- public delegate void AsyncReadyCallback (Object? source_object, AsyncResult res)
- public delegate void BusAcquiredCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when a connection to a message bus has been obtained.
- public delegate void BusNameAcquiredCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when the name is acquired.
- public delegate void BusNameAppearedCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name, string name_owner)
Invoked when the name being watched is known to have to have an owner.
- public delegate void BusNameLostCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when the name is lost or connection
has been
- public delegate void BusNameVanishedCallback (DBusConnection connection, string name)
Invoked when the name being watched is known not to have to have an
- public delegate bool CancellableSourceFunc (Cancellable? cancellable = null)
- public delegate Variant DBusInterfaceGetPropertyFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string property_name) throws Error
- public delegate void DBusInterfaceMethodCallFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string method_name, Variant parameters, owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
- public delegate bool DBusInterfaceSetPropertyFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string property_name, Variant value) throws Error
- public delegate DBusMessage? DBusMessageFilterFunction (DBusConnection connection, owned DBusMessage message, bool incoming)
- public delegate Type DBusProxyTypeFunc (DBusObjectManagerClient manager, string object_path, string? interface_name)
Function signature for a function used to determine the
Type to use for an interface proxy (if interface_name
is not null
) or object proxy (if interface_name
is null).
- public delegate void DBusSignalCallback (DBusConnection connection, string? sender_name, string object_path, string interface_name, string signal_name, Variant parameters)
- public delegate unowned DBusInterfaceVTable? DBusSubtreeDispatchFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string interface_name, string node, void* out_user_data)
- public delegate string[] DBusSubtreeEnumerateFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path)
- public delegate DBusInterfaceInfo[]? DBusSubtreeIntrospectFunc (DBusConnection connection, string sender, string object_path, string node)
- public delegate bool DatagramBasedSourceFunc (DatagramBased datagram_based, IOCondition condition)
- public delegate void FileMeasureProgressCallback (bool reporting, uint64 current_size, uint64 num_dirs, uint64 num_files)
This callback type is used by
measure_disk_usage to make periodic progress reports when
measuring the amount of disk spaced used by a directory.
- public delegate void FileProgressCallback (int64 current_num_bytes, int64 total_num_bytes)
When doing file operations that may take a while, such as moving a
file or copying a file, a progress callback is used to pass how far along that operation is to the application.
- public delegate bool FileReadMoreCallback (string file_contents, int64 file_size)
When loading the partial contents of a file with
load_partial_contents_async, it may become necessary to
determine if any more data from the file should be loaded.
- public delegate bool IOSchedulerJobFunc (IOSchedulerJob job, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
I/O Job function.
- public delegate bool PollableSourceFunc (Object pollable_stream)
- public delegate void* ReallocFunc (void* data, size_t size)
Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by data
to size
- public delegate bool SettingsBindGetMapping (Value value, Variant variant)
- public delegate bool SettingsBindGetMappingShared (Value value, Variant variant, void* user_data)
The type for the function that is used to convert from
Settings to an object property.
- public delegate Variant SettingsBindSetMapping (Value value, VariantType expected_type)
- public delegate Variant SettingsBindSetMappingShared (Value value, VariantType expected_type, void* user_data)
The type for the function that is used to convert an object property
value to a Variant for storing it in Settings.
- public delegate bool SettingsGetMapping (Variant value, out void* result)
The type of the function that is used to convert from a value stored
in a Settings to a value that is useful to the application.
- public delegate void SimpleActionActivateCallback (SimpleAction action, Variant? parameter)
- public delegate void SimpleActionChangeStateCallback (SimpleAction action, Variant value)
- public delegate void SimpleAsyncThreadFunc (SimpleAsyncResult res, Object object, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
Simple thread function that runs an asynchronous operation and checks
for cancellation.
- public delegate bool SocketSourceFunc (Socket socket, IOCondition condition)
- public delegate void TaskReadyCallback (Object? source_object, Task task)
Type definition for a function that will be called back when an
asynchronous operation within GIO has been completed.
- public delegate bool TaskSourceFunc (Task task)
- public delegate void TaskThreadFunc (Task task, Object source_object, void* task_data, Cancellable? cancellable = null)
- public delegate File VfsFileLookupFunc (Vfs vfs, string identifier)
This function type is used by
register_uri_scheme to make it possible for a client to associate an
URI scheme to a different File implementation.