- public void apply_op (Buffer buffer, string operation_name, ...)
Apply the operation to buffer, overwritting the contents of buffer.
- public unowned Object? babl_variant (Object format, BablVariant variant)
- public void cl_disable ()
Disable OpenCL
- public bool cl_init () throws Error
Initialize and enable OpenCL, calling this function again will
re-enable OpenCL if it has been disabled.
- public bool cl_is_accelerated ()
Check if OpenCL is enabled.
- public unowned Config config ()
Returns a GeglConfig object with properties that can be manipulated to
control GEGLs behavior.
- public void create_chain (string ops, Node op_start, Node op_end, double time, int rel_dim, string path_root) throws Error
Create a node chain from an unparsed commandline string.
- public void create_chain_argv (string ops, Node op_start, Node op_end, double time, int rel_dim, string path_root) throws Error
Create a node chain from argv style list of op data.
- public void exit ()
Call this function when you're done using GEGL.
- public Buffer filter_op (Buffer source_buffer, string operation_name, ...)
Apply the operation to source_buffer, returning the result in a new
- public Value? format (string format_name)
Returns a value sutable to pass to the GeglBuffer constructor or any
other property that expects a Babl format.
- public unowned string? format_get_name (Value format)
- public void get_version (out int major, out int minor, out int micro)
This function fetches the version of the GEGL library being used by
the running process.
- public void graph_dump_outputs (Node node)
Dump the bounds and format of each node in the graph to stdout.
- public void graph_dump_request (Node node, Rectangle roi)
Dump the region that will be rendered for each node to fulfill the
- public bool has_operation (string operation_type)
- public void init (ref unowned string[]? argv)
Call this function before using any other GEGL functions.
- public bool is_main_thread ()
- public (unowned string)[] list_operations ()
- public void load_module_directory (string path)
Load all gegl modules found in the given directory.
- public void parallel_distribute (int max_n, ParallelDistributeFunc func)
Distributes the execution of a function across multiple threads, by
calling it with a different index on each thread.
- public void parallel_distribute_area (Rectangle area, double thread_cost, SplitStrategy split_strategy, ParallelDistributeAreaFunc func)
Distributes the processing of a planar data-structure across multiple
threads, by calling the given function with different sub-areas on different threads.
- public void parallel_distribute_range (size_t size, double thread_cost, ParallelDistributeRangeFunc func)
Distributes the processing of a linear data-structure across multiple
threads, by calling the given function with different sub-ranges on different threads.
- public ParamSpec param_spec_audio_fragment (string name, string nick, string blurb, ParamFlags flags)
Creates a new ParamSpec instance specifying
a AudioFragment property.
- public ParamSpec param_spec_color (string name, string nick, string blurb, Color default_color, ParamFlags flags)
Creates a new ParamSpec instance specifying
a Color property.
- public ParamSpec param_spec_color_from_string (string name, string nick, string blurb, string default_color_string, ParamFlags flags)
Creates a new ParamSpec instance specifying
a Color property.
- public unowned Color param_spec_color_get_default (ParamSpec self)
Get the default color value of the param spec
- public ParamSpec param_spec_curve (string name, string nick, string blurb, Curve default_curve, ParamFlags flags)
Creates a new ParamSpec instance specifying
a Curve property.
- public ParamSpec param_spec_double (string name, string nick, string blurb, double minimum, double maximum, double default_value, double ui_minimum, double ui_maximum, double ui_gamma, ParamFlags flags)
- public ParamSpec param_spec_enum (string name, string nick, string blurb, Type enum_type, int default_value, ParamFlags flags)
- public ParamSpec param_spec_file_path (string name, string nick, string blurb, bool no_validate, bool null_ok, string default_value, ParamFlags flags)
- public unowned string param_spec_get_property_key (ParamSpec pspec, string key_name)
- public ParamSpec param_spec_int (string name, string nick, string blurb, int minimum, int maximum, int default_value, int ui_minimum, int ui_maximum, double ui_gamma, ParamFlags flags)
- public ParamSpec param_spec_path (string name, string nick, string blurb, Path default_path, ParamFlags flags)
Creates a new ParamSpec instance specifying
a Path property.
- public ParamSpec param_spec_seed (string name, string nick, string blurb, ParamFlags flags)
Creates a new
ParamSpecSeed instance specifying an integer random seed.
- public void param_spec_set_property_key (ParamSpec pspec, string key_name, string value)
- public ParamSpec param_spec_string (string name, string nick, string blurb, bool no_validate, bool null_ok, string default_value, ParamFlags flags)
- public ParamSpec param_spec_uri (string name, string nick, string blurb, bool no_validate, bool null_ok, string default_value, ParamFlags flags)
- public Rectangle rectangle_infinite_plane ()
Returns a GeglRectangle that represents an infininte plane.
- public void render_op (Buffer source_buffer, Buffer target_buffer, string operation_name, ...)
Apply the operation to source_buffer, writing the results to
- public void reset_stats ()
Resets the cumulative data gathered by the
Stats object returned by stats().
- public string serialize (Node start, Node end, string basepath, SerializeFlag serialize_flags)
- public unowned Stats stats ()
Returns a GeglStats object with properties that can be read to monitor
GEGL statistics.