
Object Hierarchy:

Soup.Cookie Soup.Cookie Soup.Cookie


[ CCode ( copy_function = "g_boxed_copy" , free_function = "g_boxed_free" , type_id = "soup_cookie_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Compact ]
public class Cookie

Implements HTTP cookies, as described by RFC 6265.

To have a [class@Session] handle cookies for your appliction automatically, use a [class@CookieJar].

name and value will be set for all cookies. If the cookie is generated from a string that appears to have no name, then name will be the empty string.

domain and path give the host or domain, and path within that host/domain, to restrict this cookie to. If domain starts with ".", that indicates a domain (which matches the string after the ".", or any hostname that has domain as a suffix). Otherwise, it is a hostname and must match exactly.

expires will be non-null if the cookie uses either the original "expires" attribute, or the newer "max-age" attribute. If expires is null, it indicates that neither "expires" nor "max-age" was specified, and the cookie expires at the end of the session.

If http_only is set, the cookie should not be exposed to untrusted code (eg, javascript), so as to minimize the danger posed by cross-site scripting attacks.

Namespace: Soup
Package: libsoup-3.0


Static methods:

Creation methods:
