- public uint ageing_time { get; set; }
The Ethernet MAC address aging time, in seconds.
- public uint forward_delay { get; set; }
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) forwarding delay, in seconds.
- public string group_address { owned get; set; }
If specified, The MAC address of the multicast group this bridge uses
for STP.
- public uint group_forward_mask { get; set; }
A mask of group addresses to forward.
- public uint hello_time { get; set; }
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) hello time, in seconds.
- public string mac_address { owned get; set; }
If specified, the MAC address of bridge.
- public uint max_age { get; set; }
The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) maximum message age, in seconds.
- public uint multicast_hash_max { get; set; }
Set maximum size of multicast hash table (value must be a power of 2).
- public uint multicast_last_member_count { get; set; }
Set the number of queries the bridge will send before stopping
forwarding a multicast group after a "leave" message has been received.
- public uint64 multicast_last_member_interval { get; set; }
Set interval (in deciseconds) between queries to find remaining
members of a group, after a "leave" message is received.
- public uint64 multicast_membership_interval { get; set; }
Set delay (in deciseconds) after which the bridge will leave a group,
if no membership reports for this group are received.
- public bool multicast_querier { get; set; }
Enable or disable sending of multicast queries by the bridge.
- public uint64 multicast_querier_interval { get; set; }
If no queries are seen after this delay (in deciseconds) has passed,
the bridge will start to send its own queries.
- public uint64 multicast_query_interval { get; set; }
Interval (in deciseconds) between queries sent by the bridge after the
end of the startup phase.
- public uint64 multicast_query_response_interval { get; set; }
Set the Max Response Time/Max Response Delay (in deciseconds) for
IGMP/MLD queries sent by the bridge.
- public bool multicast_query_use_ifaddr { get; set; }
If enabled the bridge's own IP address is used as the source address
for IGMP queries otherwise the default of is used.
- public string multicast_router { owned get; set; }
Sets bridge's multicast router.
- public bool multicast_snooping { get; set; }
Controls whether IGMP snooping is enabled for this bridge.
- public uint multicast_startup_query_count { get; set; }
Set the number of IGMP queries to send during startup phase.
- public uint64 multicast_startup_query_interval { get; set; }
Sets the time (in deciseconds) between queries sent out at startup to
determine membership information.
- public uint priority { get; set; }
Sets the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) priority for this bridge.
- public bool stp { get; set; }
Controls whether Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled for this
- public uint vlan_default_pvid { get; set; }
The default PVID for the ports of the bridge, that is the VLAN id
assigned to incoming untagged frames.
- public bool vlan_filtering { get; set; }
Control whether VLAN filtering is enabled on the bridge.
- public string vlan_protocol { owned get; set; }
If specified, the protocol used for VLAN filtering.
- public bool vlan_stats_enabled { get; set; }
Controls whether per-VLAN stats accounting is enabled.
- public GenericArray<BridgeVlan> vlans { owned get; set; }
Array of bridge VLAN objects.