Object Hierarchy:
[ CCode ( cname = "MmGdbusModemCdma" , type_id = "mm_gdbus_modem_cdma_get_type ()" ) ]
public interface GdbusModemCdma : Object
Abstract interface type for the D-Bus interface org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.ModemCdma.
All known implementing classes:
- public abstract uint activation_state { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "ActivationState".
- public abstract uint cdma1x_registration_state { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Cdma1xRegistrationState".
- public abstract string esn { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Esn".
- public abstract uint evdo_registration_state { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "EvdoRegistrationState".
- public abstract string meid { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Meid".
- public abstract uint nid { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Nid".
- public abstract uint sid { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Sid".
Static methods:
- public async bool call_activate (string arg_carrier_code, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the Activate D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_activate_manual (Variant arg_properties, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the ActivateManual D-Bus method on
- public bool call_activate_manual_sync (Variant arg_properties, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the ActivateManual D-Bus method on
- public bool call_activate_sync (string arg_carrier_code, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the Activate D-Bus method on
- public void complete_activate (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the Activate D-Bus method.
- public void complete_activate_manual (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the ActivateManual D-Bus method.
- public void emit_activation_state_changed (uint arg_activation_state, uint arg_activation_error, Variant arg_status_changes)
Emits the "ActivationStateChanged" D-Bus signal.
- public virtual signal void activation_state_changed (uint arg_activation_state, uint arg_activation_error, Variant arg_status_changes)
On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal
"ActivationStateChanged" is received.
- public virtual signal bool handle_activate (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string arg_carrier_code)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the Activate
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_activate_manual (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, Variant arg_properties)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the ActivateManual
D-Bus method.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object
- @get
- @new
- @ref
- @set
- add_toggle_ref
- add_weak_pointer
- bind_property
- connect
- constructed
- disconnect
- dispose
- dup_data
- dup_qdata
- force_floating
- freeze_notify
- get_class
- get_data
- get_property
- get_qdata
- get_type
- getv
- interface_find_property
- interface_install_property
- interface_list_properties
- is_floating
- new_valist
- new_with_properties
- newv
- notify
- notify_property
- ref_count
- ref_sink
- remove_toggle_ref
- remove_weak_pointer
- replace_data
- replace_qdata
- set_data
- set_data_full
- set_property
- set_qdata
- set_qdata_full
- set_valist
- setv
- steal_data
- steal_qdata
- thaw_notify
- unref
- watch_closure
- weak_ref
- weak_unref