- public abstract uint access_technologies { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "AccessTechnologies".
- public abstract string[] bearers { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Bearers".
- public abstract string carrier_configuration { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "CarrierConfiguration".
- public abstract string carrier_configuration_revision { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "CarrierConfigurationRevision".
- public abstract Variant current_bands { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "CurrentBands".
- public abstract uint current_capabilities { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "CurrentCapabilities".
- public abstract Variant current_modes { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "CurrentModes".
- public abstract string device { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Device".
- public abstract string device_identifier { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "DeviceIdentifier".
- public abstract string[] drivers { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Drivers".
- public abstract string equipment_identifier { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "EquipmentIdentifier".
- public abstract string hardware_revision { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "HardwareRevision".
- public abstract string manufacturer { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Manufacturer".
- public abstract uint max_active_bearers { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "MaxActiveBearers".
- public abstract uint max_active_multiplexed_bearers { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "MaxActiveMultiplexedBearers".
- public abstract uint max_bearers { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "MaxBearers".
- public abstract string model { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Model".
- public abstract string[] own_numbers { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "OwnNumbers".
- public abstract string plugin { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Plugin".
- public abstract Variant ports { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Ports".
- public abstract uint power_state { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "PowerState".
- public abstract string primary_port { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "PrimaryPort".
- public abstract uint primary_sim_slot { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "PrimarySimSlot".
- public abstract string revision { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Revision".
- public abstract Variant signal_quality { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "SignalQuality".
- public abstract string sim { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "Sim".
- public abstract string[] sim_slots { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "SimSlots".
- public abstract int state { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "State".
- public abstract uint state_failed_reason { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "StateFailedReason".
- public abstract Variant supported_bands { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "SupportedBands".
- public abstract Variant supported_capabilities { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "SupportedCapabilities".
- public abstract uint supported_ip_families { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "SupportedIpFamilies".
- public abstract Variant supported_modes { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "SupportedModes".
- public abstract uint unlock_required { get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "UnlockRequired".
- public abstract Variant unlock_retries { owned get; set; }
Represents the D-Bus property "UnlockRetries".
- public async bool call_command (string arg_cmd, uint arg_timeout, Cancellable? cancellable, out string out_response) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the Command D-Bus method on
- public bool call_command_sync (string arg_cmd, uint arg_timeout, out string out_response, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the Command D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_create_bearer (Variant arg_properties, Cancellable? cancellable, out string out_path) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the CreateBearer D-Bus method on
- public bool call_create_bearer_sync (Variant arg_properties, out string out_path, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the CreateBearer D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_delete_bearer (string arg_bearer, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the DeleteBearer D-Bus method on
- public bool call_delete_bearer_sync (string arg_bearer, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the DeleteBearer D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_enable (bool arg_enable, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the Enable D-Bus method on
- public bool call_enable_sync (bool arg_enable, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the Enable D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_factory_reset (string arg_code, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the FactoryReset D-Bus method on
- public bool call_factory_reset_sync (string arg_code, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the FactoryReset D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_get_cell_info (Cancellable? cancellable, out Variant out_cell_info) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the GetCellInfo D-Bus method on
- public bool call_get_cell_info_sync (out Variant out_cell_info, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the GetCellInfo D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_list_bearers (Cancellable? cancellable, out string[] out_bearers) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the ListBearers D-Bus method on
- public bool call_list_bearers_sync (out string[] out_bearers, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the ListBearers D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_reset (Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the Reset D-Bus method on
- public bool call_reset_sync (Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the Reset D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_set_current_bands (Variant arg_bands, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the SetCurrentBands D-Bus method on
- public bool call_set_current_bands_sync (Variant arg_bands, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the SetCurrentBands D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_set_current_capabilities (uint arg_capabilities, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the SetCurrentCapabilities D-Bus method
on this.
- public bool call_set_current_capabilities_sync (uint arg_capabilities, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the SetCurrentCapabilities D-Bus method
on this.
- public async bool call_set_current_modes (Variant arg_modes, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the SetCurrentModes D-Bus method on
- public bool call_set_current_modes_sync (Variant arg_modes, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the SetCurrentModes D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_set_power_state (uint arg_state, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the SetPowerState D-Bus method on
- public bool call_set_power_state_sync (uint arg_state, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the SetPowerState D-Bus method on
- public async bool call_set_primary_sim_slot (uint arg_sim_slot, Cancellable? cancellable) throws Error
Asynchronously invokes the SetPrimarySimSlot D-Bus method on
- public bool call_set_primary_sim_slot_sync (uint arg_sim_slot, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously invokes the SetPrimarySimSlot D-Bus method on
- public void complete_command (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string response)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the Command D-Bus method.
- public void complete_create_bearer (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string path)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the CreateBearer D-Bus method.
- public void complete_delete_bearer (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the DeleteBearer D-Bus method.
- public void complete_enable (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the Enable D-Bus method.
- public void complete_factory_reset (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the FactoryReset D-Bus method.
- public void complete_get_cell_info (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation, Variant cell_info)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the GetCellInfo D-Bus method.
- public void complete_list_bearers (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string bearers)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the ListBearers D-Bus method.
- public void complete_reset (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the Reset D-Bus method.
- public void complete_set_current_bands (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the SetCurrentBands D-Bus method.
- public void complete_set_current_capabilities (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the SetCurrentCapabilities D-Bus method.
- public void complete_set_current_modes (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the SetCurrentModes D-Bus method.
- public void complete_set_power_state (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the SetPowerState D-Bus method.
- public void complete_set_primary_sim_slot (owned DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Helper function used in service implementations to finish handling
invocations of the SetPrimarySimSlot D-Bus method.
- public void emit_state_changed (int arg_old, int arg_new, uint arg_reason)
Emits the "StateChanged" D-Bus signal.
- public virtual signal bool handle_command (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string arg_cmd, uint arg_timeout)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the Command
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_create_bearer (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, Variant arg_properties)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the CreateBearer
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_delete_bearer (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string arg_bearer)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the DeleteBearer
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_enable (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, bool arg_enable)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the Enable
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_factory_reset (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, string arg_code)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the FactoryReset
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_get_cell_info (DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the GetCellInfo
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_list_bearers (DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the ListBearers
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_reset (DBusMethodInvocation invocation)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the Reset D-Bus
- public virtual signal bool handle_set_current_bands (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, Variant arg_bands)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the SetCurrentBands
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_set_current_capabilities (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, uint arg_capabilities)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the
SetCurrentCapabilities D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_set_current_modes (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, Variant arg_modes)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the SetCurrentModes
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_set_power_state (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, uint arg_state)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the SetPowerState
D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal bool handle_set_primary_sim_slot (DBusMethodInvocation invocation, uint arg_sim_slot)
Signal emitted when a remote caller is invoking the
SetPrimarySimSlot D-Bus method.
- public virtual signal void state_changed (int arg_old, int arg_new, uint arg_reason)
On the client-side, this signal is emitted whenever the D-Bus signal
"StateChanged" is received.