- public delegate int ConfigCallback (ConfigEntry entry)
The type of the callback functions for retrieving values from a
- public delegate int ConfigMatchCallback (MatchInfo match_info, string value)
The type of the callback functions for retrieving values from a
Config using a regular expression.
- public delegate int CredAcquireCallback (string url, string? username_from_url, uint allowed_types, owned Cred cred)
Signature of a function which acquires a credential object.
- public delegate int DiffBinaryCallback (DiffDelta delta, DiffBinary binary)
Called for each file.
- public delegate int DiffFileCallback (DiffDelta delta, float progress)
Called for each file.
- public delegate int DiffHunkCallback (DiffDelta delta, DiffHunk hunk)
Called for each hunk.
- public delegate int DiffLineCallback (DiffDelta delta, DiffHunk? hunk, DiffLine line)
Called for each line.
- public delegate int DiffSimilarityMetricBufferSignatureCallback (DiffFile file, string buf, size_t buflen, void* @out)
- public delegate int DiffSimilarityMetricFileSignatureCallback (DiffFile file, string fullpath, void* @out)
- public delegate void DiffSimilarityMetricFreeSignatureCallback (void* signature)
- public delegate int DiffSimilarityMetricSimilarityCallback (int score, void* signature_a, void* signature_b)
- public delegate int NoteCallback (OId blob_id, OId annotated_object_id)
When iterating over all the notes, callback that will be issued per
- public delegate int ReferencesCallback (owned Ref reference)
The type of the callback functions for retrieving the references in a
- public delegate int ReferencesNameCallback (string name)
The type of the callback functions for retrieving the references in a
- public delegate int RemoteListCallback (string name, OId oid, OId loid, bool local)
The type of the callback functions for listing the references of a
- public delegate int StashCallback (size_t index, string message, OId stash_oid)
When iterating over all the stashed states, callback that will be
issued per entry.
- public delegate int StatusCallback (string path, StatusFlags status_flags)
The type of the callback functions for retrieving the status of the
files in a Repository.
- public delegate int SubmoduleCallback (Submodule submodule, string name)
The type of the callback functions for retrieving the submodules in a
- public delegate int TagCallback (string name, OId tag_oid)
When iterating over all the tags, callback that will be issued per
- public delegate int TransferProgressCallback (TransferProgress stats)
Progress callbacks during indexing.
- public delegate int TreeWalkCallback (string root, TreeEntry entry)
The type of the callback functions for walking a tree.