public namespace GXml
- ArrayList - A class implementing
Collection to store references to child
DomElement of
Collection.element, using an index.
- ArrayString - Convenient class to handle a
Element's attribute using a list of pre-defined and unmutable values.
- Attr - DOM4 implementation of
- BaseCollection - Base class for
collections implementing Collection, providing basic infrastructure.
- BaseProperty - Base class for properties
implementing Property interface.
- Boolean - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using a boolean ('true' and 'false') as sources of values.
- CharacterData - A DOM4 implementation of
DomCharacterData, for one step parsing.
- Comment - A DOM4 implementation of
DomComment, for one step parsing.
- CssAttributeSelector - CssSelector for
- CssElementSelector - CssSelector for elements
- CssNotSelector - CssSelector for 'not' pseudo class
- CssSelector - generic CSS selector, used by
- CssSelectorParser - CSS Selectors Level 3
- CustomEvent - Custom event handler, powered by libxml2
- Date - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using a GLib.Date as sources of values.
- DateTime - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using a GLib.DateTime as sources of
- Document - A DOM4 implementation of
DomDocument, for one step parsing.
- DocumentFragment
- DocumentType
- DomCustomEventInit
- DomElementList
- DomErrorName
- DomEventInit
- DomMutationObserverInit
- DomNodeFilter - No implemented jet. This can lead to
API changes in future versions.
- DomTimeStamp
- Double - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using double precision floats as sources of values.
- Element - A DOM4 implementation of
DomElement, for one-step-parsing.
- Enum - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using a GLib.Type.ENUM as a source of
- Enumeration - Convenient static methods for
enumeration serialization to string.
- Event - DOM4 An event handler, powered by libxml2 library.
- Float - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using floats as sources of values.
- HTMLCollection - DOM4 HTML Collection
- HashMap - A class implementing
Collection to store references to child
DomElement of
Collection.element, using an attribute in items as key or
MappeableElement.get_map_key method if implemented by items
to be added. If key is not defined in node, it is not added; but keeps it as a child node of actual
- HashPairedMap - A class implementing
Collection to store references to child
DomElement of
Collection.element, using two attributes in items as primary and secondary keys or
MappeableElementPairKey.get_map_secondary_key methods if
MappeableElementPairKey are implemented by items to be added. If one or both keys are not defined in node, it is not added; but
keeps it as a child node of actual Collection.element.
- HashThreeMap - A class implementing
Collection to store references to child
DomElement of
Collection.element, using three attributes in items as primary, secondary tertiary keys or
MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_skey and
MappeableElementThreeKey.get_map_tkey methods if
MappeableElementThreeKey are implemented by items to be added. All
keys should be defined in node, otherwise it is not added; but keeps it as a child node of actual
- HtmlDocument - DOM4 HTML Document
- HtmlElement
- Implementation
- Int - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using a integers as sources of values.
- LXPathObject - An
GXml.XPathObject implementation using libxml2 engine.
- Node - A DOM4 implementation of
DomNode, for one step parsing.
- NodeIterator - Implementation of
- NodeList - List of
DomNode implementing DomNodeList
- ProcessingInstruction - A DOM4
implementation of DomProcessingInstruction, for one step parsing.
- Range - DOM4 Range implementation, powered by libxml2
- SettableTokenList - DOM4 Setteable token list,
powered by libxml2 library.
- String - Convenient class to handle
Element's attributes using validated string using Regular Expressions.
- StringRef
- Text - A DOM4 implementation of
DomText, for one step parsing.
- TokenList - DOM4 List of string tokens, powered by
libxml2 library.
- TreeWalker - Implementation of
- XAttribute - Class implementing
GXml.DomAttr interface, not tied to libxml-2.0 library.
- XCharacterData - DOM4 Base class for character
data, powered by libxml2 library.
- XChildNode - DOM4 class for child nodes, powered by
libxml2 library.
- XComment - DOM4 Class implementing
GXml.Comment and GXml.DomComment
interface, powered by libxml2 library.
- XDocument - DOM4 class implementing
GXml.DomDocument and {GXml.DomDocument} interface, powered by libxml-2.0 library.
- XElement - DOM4 Class implementing
GXml.DomElement interface, powered by libxml-2.0 library.
- XHashMapAttr - Implementation of
Gee.AbstractMap to handle Xml.Node attributes, powered by libxml2
- XHtmlDocument - HML parsing support. Document
- XListChildren - A
Gee.AbstractBidirList implementation to access Xml.Node collection
- XNode - DOM4 Base interface providing basic
functionalities to all libxml2 DOM4 implementations.
- XNonDocumentChildNode
- XParser -
Parser implementation using libxml2 engine
- XProcessingInstruction - DOM4 Class
implementing GXml.ProcessingInstruction and
DomProcessingInstruction interface, powered by libxml2 library.
- XText - DOM4 Class implementing
GXml.Text and DomText interface, powered by
libxml2 library.
- XsdAnnotation
- XsdArrayString - Convenient class to handle a
Element's attribute using a list of pre-defined and unmutable values, taken from an
IXsdSimpleType definition
- XsdAttribute
- XsdAttributeGroup
- XsdBaseAttribute
- XsdBaseContent
- XsdBaseType
- XsdComplexContent
- XsdComplexType
- XsdElement
- XsdExtension
- XsdList
- XsdListComplexTypes
- XsdListElements
- XsdListSimpleTypes
- XsdListTypeRestrictionEnumerations
- XsdListTypeRestrictionWhiteSpaces
- XsdOpenContent
- XsdSchema - Reference interfaces for XSD support.
- XsdSimpleContent
- XsdSimpleType
- XsdTypeDefinition
- XsdTypeList
- XsdTypeRestriction
- XsdTypeRestrictionAssertion
- XsdTypeRestrictionDef
- XsdTypeRestrictionEnumeration
- XsdTypeRestrictionExplicitTimezone
- XsdTypeRestrictionFractionDigits
- XsdTypeRestrictionLength
- XsdTypeRestrictionMaxExclusive
- XsdTypeRestrictionMaxInclusive
- XsdTypeRestrictionMaxLength
- XsdTypeRestrictionMinExclusive
- XsdTypeRestrictionMinInclusive
- XsdTypeRestrictionMinLength
- XsdTypeRestrictionPattern
- XsdTypeRestrictionTotalDigits
- XsdTypeRestrictionWhiteSpace
- XsdTypeUnion
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