- public const int MAX_BYE_SSRC_COUNT
The maximum amount of SSRCs in a BYE packet.
- public const int MAX_RB_COUNT
The maximum amount of Receiver report blocks in RR and SR messages.
- public const int MAX_SDES
The maximum text length for an SDES item.
- public const int MAX_SDES_ITEM_COUNT
The maximum amount of SDES items.
- public const int REDUCED_SIZE_VALID_MASK
Mask for version and packet type pair allowing reduced size packets,
basically it accepts other types than RR and SR
- public const int VALID_MASK
Mask for version, padding bit and packet type pair
- public const int VALID_VALUE
Valid value for the first two bytes of an RTCP packet after applying
VALID_MASK to them.
- public const int VERSION
The supported RTCP version 2.