A parse context is used to parse a stream of bytes that you expect to contain marked-up text.
See MarkupParseContext, MarkupParser, and so on for more details.
Example: GMarkup-Parser:
public class MapParser : Object {
private const MarkupParser parser = {
private MarkupParseContext context;
public MapParser () {
context = new MarkupParseContext (parser, 0, this, null);
// context.get_element_stack ().length () = O(n)
private int depth;
private string error_msg (string msg, ...) {
va_list va_list = va_list ();
int line_number;
int char_number;
StringBuilder pos = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (string lst in context.get_element_stack ()) {
if (pos.len != 0) {
pos.append_c ('.');
pos.append (lst);
context.get_position (out line_number, out char_number);
return "%s: %d.%d: %s".printf (pos.str, line_number, char_number, msg.vprintf (va_list));
// <name>
private void visit_start (MarkupParseContext context, string name, string[] attr_names, string[] attr_values) throws MarkupError {
// Use context.get_element_stack () to evaluate the state!
if (name == "map" && this.depth == 0) {
if (attr_names.length != 0) {
throw new MarkupError.UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE (error_msg ("Unexpected attribute': `map.%s'", name));
} else if (name == "entry" && this.depth == 1) {
unowned string key = null;
unowned string val = null;
for (int i = 0; attr_names[i] != null; i++) {
switch (attr_names[i]) {
case "key":
key = attr_values[i];
case "value":
val = attr_values[i];
throw new MarkupError.UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE (error_msg ("Unexpected attribute': `entry.%s'", name));
if (key == null) {
throw new MarkupError.MISSING_ATTRIBUTE (error_msg ("Missing attribute': `entry.key'"));
} else if (val == null) {
throw new MarkupError.MISSING_ATTRIBUTE (error_msg ("Missing attribute': `entry.value'"));
print ("Entry: '%s' = '%s'\n", key, val);
} else {
throw new MarkupError.UNKNOWN_ELEMENT (error_msg ("Unexpected element: `%s'", name));
// </foo>
private void visit_end (MarkupParseContext context, string name) throws MarkupError {
if ((this.depth == 1 && name != "entry") || (this.depth == 0 && name != "map")) {
throw new MarkupError.PARSE (error_msg ("Missing element: `/%s'", name));
private void visit_text (MarkupParseContext context, string text, size_t text_len) throws MarkupError {
private void visit_passthrough () {
// process instructions, comments
private void error (MarkupParseContext context, Error error) {
public bool parse (string markup) throws MarkupError {
this.depth = 0;
return context.parse (markup, -1);
public static int main (string[] args) {
try {
MapParser parser = new MapParser ();
parser.parse ("""<map>
<entry key="method" value="printf" />
<entry key="field" value="errno" />
<entry key="constant" value="RED" />
} catch (Error e) {
print ("%s\n", e.message);
return 0;
valac --pkg glib-2.0 GLib.MarkupParser.vala