- public string address_escape_value (string string)
Escape string
so it can appear in a D-Bus address as the
value part of a key-value pair.
- public async IOStream address_get_stream (string address, Cancellable? cancellable = null, out string? out_guid) throws Error
Asynchronously connects to an endpoint specified by address
and sets up the connection so it is in a state to run the client-side of the D-Bus authentication conversation.
- public IOStream address_get_stream_sync (string address, out string? out_guid, Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws Error
Synchronously connects to an endpoint specified by address
and sets up the connection so it is in a state to run the client-side of the D-Bus authentication conversation.
- public unowned string? annotation_info_lookup (DBusAnnotationInfo[]? annotations, string name)
Looks up the value of an annotation.
- public string error_encode_gerror (Error error)
- public string? error_get_remote_error (Error error)
- public bool error_is_remote_error (Error error)
- public Error error_new_for_dbus_error (string dbus_error_name, string dbus_error_message)
- public Quark error_quark ()
- public bool error_register_error (Quark error_domain, int error_code, string dbus_error_name)
- public void error_register_error_domain (string error_domain_quark_name, size_t quark_volatile, DBusErrorEntry[] entries)
- public bool error_strip_remote_error (Error error)
- public bool error_unregister_error (Quark error_domain, int error_code, string dbus_error_name)
- public string escape_object_path (string s)
- public string escape_object_path_bytestring (uint8[] bytes)
Escapes bytes
for use in a D-Bus object path component.
- public string generate_guid ()
Generate a D-Bus GUID that can be used with e.
- public Variant gvalue_to_gvariant (Value gvalue, VariantType type)
Converts a Value to a
Variant of the type indicated by the type
- public Value gvariant_to_gvalue (Variant value)
Converts a Variant to a
- public bool is_address (string string)
- public bool is_error_name (string string)
Check whether string
is a valid D-Bus error name.
- public bool is_guid (string string)
Checks if string
is a D-Bus GUID.
- public bool is_interface_name (string string)
Checks if string
is a valid D-Bus interface name.
- public bool is_member_name (string string)
Checks if string
is a valid D-Bus member (e.
- public bool is_name (string string)
Checks if string
is a valid D-Bus bus name (either unique
or well-known).
- public bool is_supported_address (string string) throws Error
Like is_address
but also checks if the library supports the transports in string
and that key/value pairs for each transport are valid.
- public bool is_unique_name (string string)
Checks if string
is a valid D-Bus unique bus name.
- public unowned uint8[]? unescape_object_path (string s)