This interface defines a total ordering among instances of each class implementing it.
In other words:
It's irreflexive: For all `a` it holds that `a.compare_to(a) == 0`
It's transitive: For all `a`, `b` and `c` if `a.compare_to(b) < 0` and
`b.compare_to(c) < 0` then `a.compare_to(c) < 0`.
It's trichotomous: For all `a` and `b` it holds that
`a.compare_to(b) = -b.compare_to(a)`.
The relationship must be immutable. In other words if at one point of program `a.compare_to(b)` had certain value then call
`a.compare_to(b)` must always return the original value until end of `a` and `b` lifetime.