Manages debug output and status reporting for all folks objects.
All GLib debug logging calls are passed through a log handler in this class, which allows debug domains to be outputted according to
whether they've been enabled by being passed to Debug.dup.
Whether debug output is enabled. This is orthogonal to the set of
enabled debug domains; filtering of debug output as a whole is done after filtering by enabled domains.
Create or return the singleton Folks.Debug
class instance. If the instance doesn't exist already, it will be created with the given set of debug domains enabled. Otherwise, the
existing instance will have its set of enabled domains changed to the provided set.
Causes all significant objects in the library to print their current
status to standard output, obeying the options set on this Folks.Debug instance for colouring and other
Print a set of key–value pairs in a table. The width of the key
column is automatically set to the width of the longest key. The keys and values must be provided as a null-delimited list of
alternating key–value varargs. Values may be null but keys may not.
publicvoidprint_line (string domain, LogLevelFlags level, string format, ...)
Print a debug line with the current indentation level for the
specified debug domain.
Signal emitted in the main thread whenever objects should print their
current status. All significant objects in the library should connect to this and print their current status in some suitable format
when it's emitted.
Inherited Members:
All known members inherited from class GLib.Object