Object Hierarchy:
[ Compact ]
[ CCode ( cname = "TCase" , cprefix = "tcase_" , free_function = "" ) ]
public class TCase
Type for a test case
A TCase represents a test case. For the moment, test cases can only be run through a suite
Creation methods:
- public TCase (string name)
Create a test case.
- public void add_checked_fixture (SFun? setup = null, SFun? teardown = null)
Add checked fixture setup/teardown functions to a test case
- public void add_exit_test (TFun tf, int expected_exit_value)
Add a test function with an expected exit value to a test case
- public void add_loop_exit_test (TFun tf, int expected_exit_value, int s, int e)
Add a looping test function with an expected exit value to a test case
- public void add_loop_test (TFun tf, int s, int e)
Add a looping test function to a test case
- public void add_loop_test_raise_signal (TFun tf, int @signal, int s, int e)
Add a looping test function with signal handling to a test case
- public void add_test (TFun tf)
Add a test function to a test case
- public void add_test_full (TFun tf, string fname, int @signal, int allowed_exit_value, int start, int end)
Add a test function to a test case
- public void add_test_raise_signal (TFun tf, int @signal)
Add a test function with signal handling to a test case
- public void add_unchecked_fixture (SFun? setup = null, SFun? teardown = null)
Add unchecked fixture setup/teardown functions to a test case
- public void set_timeout (double timeout)
Set the timeout for all tests in a test case.