public namespace Champlain
- Adjustment - Class for handling an interval
between to values.
- BoundingBox - Defines the area of a
ChamplainMapDataSource that contains data.
- Coordinate - The Coordinate
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- CustomMarker -
The CustomMarker structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- ErrorTileRenderer - The
ErrorTileRenderer structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- FileCache - The FileCache
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- FileTileSource - The
FileTileSource structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- ImageRenderer - The
ImageRenderer structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- KineticScrollView
- Label - The Label structure
contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Layer - The Layer
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- License - The License
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- MapSource - The
MapSource structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- MapSourceChain - The
MapSourceChain structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- MapSourceDesc - The
MapSourceDesc structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- MapSourceFactory - The
MapSourceFactory structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Marker - The Marker
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- MarkerLayer - The MarkerLayer
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- MemoryCache - The MemoryCache
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- NetworkBboxTileSource - The
NetworkBboxTileSource structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- NetworkTileSource - The
NetworkTileSource structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- NullTileSource - The
NullTileSource structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- PathLayer - The PathLayer
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Point - The Point structure
contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Renderer - The Renderer
structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Scale - The Scale structure
contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Tile - The Tile structure
contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- TileCache - The
TileCache structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- TileSource - The
TileSource structure contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- View - The View structure
contains only private data and should be accessed using the provided API
- Viewport