Example listing:

  1. Antialias
  2. Arc
  3. Arc, negative
  4. Colours (RGBA)
  5. Cartesian coordinate system (I)
  6. Cartesian coordinate system (II)
  7. Cartesian coordinate system (III)
  8. Clip regions
  9. Clip regions and image surfaces
  10. Closed path
  11. Curve to
  12. Line styles
  13. Fill (I)
  14. Fill (II)
  15. Fill preserve
  16. Fill rules
  17. Gradients
  18. Pattern
  19. Scale and rotate
  20. Layers
  21. Line cap
  22. Set line join
  23. Masks
  24. Mask surfaces
  25. Add
  26. Atop
  27. Clear
  28. Colour burn
  29. Colour dodge
  30. Darken
  31. Dest
  32. Dest atop
  33. Dest in
  34. Dest out
  35. Dest over
  36. Difference
  37. Exclusion
  38. Hard light
  39. HSL Colour
  40. HSL Hue
  41. HSL Luminosity
  42. HSL Saturation
  43. In
  44. Lighten
  45. Multiply
  46. Out
  47. Over
  48. Overlay
  49. Saturate
  50. Screen
  51. Soft light
  52. Source
  53. XOR
  54. Curves, relative
  55. Lines, relative
  56. Rotated text
  57. Save and Restore
  58. Simple lines
  59. Simple text
  60. Stroke-extends and in-stroke
  61. Centered text
  62. TextExtents

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