

[ CCode ( array_length = false , array_null_terminated = true ) ]
[ NoAccessorMethod ]
public string[] permissions { owned get; set; }

An array of strings defining what access a given user has to this connection.

If this is null or empty, all users are allowed to access this connection; otherwise users are allowed if and only if they are in this list. When this is not empty, the connection can be active only when one of the specified users is logged into an active session. Each entry is of the form "[type]:[id]:[reserved]"; for example, "user:dcbw:blah".

At this time only the "user" [type] is allowed. Any other values are ignored and reserved for future use. [id] is the username that this permission refers to, which may not contain the ":" character. Any [reserved] information present must be ignored and is reserved for future use. All of [type], [id], and [reserved] must be valid UTF-8.