

[ Version ( since = "1.5.3" ) ]
public string inspect_get_distro (string root) throws Error

get distro of inspected operating system

This returns the distro (distribution) of the inspected operating system.

Currently defined distros are:

"alpinelinux" Alpine Linux.

"altlinux" ALT Linux.

"archlinux" Arch Linux.

"buildroot" Buildroot-derived distro, but not one we specifically recognize.

"centos" CentOS.

"cirros" Cirros.

"coreos" CoreOS.

"debian" Debian.

"fedora" Fedora.

"freebsd" FreeBSD.

"freedos" FreeDOS.

"frugalware" Frugalware.

"gentoo" Gentoo.

"kalilinux" Kali Linux.

"linuxmint" Linux Mint.

"mageia" Mageia.

"mandriva" Mandriva.

"meego" MeeGo.

"msdos" Microsoft DOS.

"neokylin" NeoKylin.

"netbsd" NetBSD.

"openbsd" OpenBSD.

"opensuse" OpenSUSE.

"oraclelinux" Oracle Linux.

"pardus" Pardus.

"pldlinux" PLD Linux.

"redhat-based" Some Red Hat-derived distro.

"rhel" Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

"scientificlinux" Scientific Linux.

"slackware" Slackware.

"sles" SuSE Linux Enterprise Server or Desktop.

"suse-based" Some openSuSE-derived distro.

"ttylinux" ttylinux.

"ubuntu" Ubuntu.

"unknown" The distro could not be determined.

"voidlinux" Void Linux.

"windows" Windows does not have distributions. This string is returned if the OS type is Windows.

Future versions of libguestfs may return other strings here. The caller should be prepared to handle any string.

Please read "INSPECTION" in guestfs(3) for more details.



A GuestfsSession object


the returned string, or NULL on error