- public const string ACCESS_ROLE_NONE
The users specified by the
AccessRule have no rights.
- public const string ACCESS_SCOPE_DEFAULT
- public const string ACCESS_SCOPE_DOMAIN
- public const string ACCESS_SCOPE_USER
- public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_EDITOR
The users specified by the
CalendarAccessRule have full edit access to the calendar, except they
can’t change the calendar’s access rules.
- public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_FREE_BUSY
The users specified by the
CalendarAccessRule can only see the free/busy information on the calendar;
not event details.
- public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_OWNER
- public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_READ
- public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_ROOT
The users specified by the
CalendarAccessRule have full administrator access to the calendar server.
- public const string CATEGORY_SCHEMA_LABELS
A schema for categories which label the entry they're applied to in
some way, such as starring it.
- public const string DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_OWNER
The users specified by the
AccessRule have full owner access to the document.
- public const string DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_READER
The users specified by the
AccessRule have read-only access to the document.
- public const string DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_WRITER
The users specified by the
AccessRule have write access to the document.
- public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_JPEG
The export format for JPEG image format.
- public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_PDF
The export format for Portable Document Format (PDF).
- public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_PNG
The export format for Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format.
- public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_SVG
The export format for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) image format.
DocumentsProperty having the visibility set to FALSE (default) corresponds to having the visibility property on a Drive
Property Resource set to "PRIVATE".
DocumentsProperty having the visibility set to TRUE corresponds to having the visibility property on a Drive Property Resource
set to "PUBLIC".
- public const string GCONTACT_CALENDAR_FREE_BUSY
The relation type URI for a contact's free/busy calendar.
- public const string GCONTACT_CALENDAR_HOME
The relation type URI for a contact's home calendar.
- public const string GCONTACT_CALENDAR_WORK
The relation type URI for a contact's work calendar.
- public const string GCONTACT_EVENT_ANNIVERSARY
The relation type URI for an anniversary event.
- public const string GCONTACT_EVENT_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous event.
- public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_ACCOUNT
The relation type URI for an account number identifier.
The relation type URI for a customer identifier.
- public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_NETWORK
The relation type URI for a network identifier.
The relation type URI for an identifier related to an organization
the contact is associated with.
- public const string GCONTACT_JOT_HOME
The relation type URI for a jot about a contact's home.
- public const string GCONTACT_JOT_KEYWORDS
The relation type URI for a jot with keywords about a contact.
- public const string GCONTACT_JOT_OTHER
The relation type URI for a jot about an other facet of a contact.
- public const string GCONTACT_JOT_USER
The relation type URI for a jot about the relationship between a
contact and the user.
- public const string GCONTACT_JOT_WORK
The relation type URI for a jot about a contact's work.
The relation type URI for a contact's assistant.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_BROTHER
The relation type URI for a contact's brother.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_CHILD
The relation type URI for a contact's child.
The relation type URI for a contact's domestic partner.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_FATHER
The relation type URI for a contact's father.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_FRIEND
The relation type URI for a contact's friend.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_MANAGER
The relation type URI for a contact's manager.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_MOTHER
The relation type URI for a contact's mother.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_PARENT
The relation type URI for a contact's parent.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_PARTNER
The relation type URI for a contact's business partner.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_REFERRER
The relation type URI for a contact's referrer.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_RELATIVE
The relation type URI for a contact's (general) family relative.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_SISTER
The relation type URI for a contact's sister.
- public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_SPOUSE
The relation type URI for a contact's spouse.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_BLOG
The relation type URI for a contact's blog.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_FTP
The relation type URI for a contact's FTP site.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_HOME
The relation type URI for a contact's home website.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_HOME_PAGE
The relation type URI for a contact's home page.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous website of the contact.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_PROFILE
The relation type URI for a contact's online profile.
- public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_WORK
The relation type URI for a contact's work website.
- public const string GD_ADDRESS_USAGE_GENERAL
The address is for general usage.
- public const string GD_ADDRESS_USAGE_LOCAL
The address is for local usage.
- public const string GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HOME
The relation type URI for a home e-mail address.
- public const string GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous e-mail address.
- public const string GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK
The relation type URI for a work e-mail address.
- public const string GD_EVENT_STATUS_CANCELED
The event has been canceled.
- public const string GD_EVENT_STATUS_CONFIRMED
The event has been planned and confirmed.
- public const string GD_EVENT_STATUS_TENTATIVE
The event has been planned, but only tentatively scheduled.
- public const string GD_EVENT_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE
The event consumes time in calendars; its time will be marked as
busy in a free/busy search.
The event does not consume time in calendars; its time will be not
marked as busy in a free/busy search.
The event is visible to only certain people.
- public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT
The event's visibility is inherited from the preferences of its
- public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
The event is visible to very few people.
- public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC
The event is visible to most people.
- public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_HOME
The relation type URI for a home IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_NETMEETING
The relation type URI for a Microsoft NetMeeting IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_WORK
The relation type URI for a work IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_AIM
The protocol type URI for an AIM IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_GOOGLE_TALK
The protocol type URI for a Google Talk IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_ICQ
The protocol type URI for an ICQ IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_JABBER
The protocol type URI for a Jabber IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_LIVE_MESSENGER
The protocol type URI for an Windows Live Messenger IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_QQ
The protocol type URI for a QQ IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_SKYPE
The protocol type URI for a Skype IM address.
- public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_YAHOO_MESSENGER
The protocol type URI for a Yahoo! Messenger IM address.
- public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_BOTH
Parcels and letters can be sent to the address.
- public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_LETTERS
Only letters can be sent to the address.
- public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_NEITHER
Address is purely locational and cannot be used for mail.
- public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_PARCELS
Only parcels can be sent to the address.
- public const string GD_ORGANIZATION_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous organization.
- public const string GD_ORGANIZATION_WORK
The relation type URI for a work organization.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_ASSISTANT
The relation type URI for the phone number of an assistant.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_CALLBACK
The relation type URI for the phone number of a callback service.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_CAR
The relation type URI for the phone number of a car phone.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_COMPANY_MAIN
The relation type URI for the main phone number of a company.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_FAX
The relation type URI for the phone number of a fax machine.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_HOME
The relation type URI for a home phone number.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_HOME_FAX
The relation type URI for the phone number of a home fax machine.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_ISDN
The relation type URI for the phone number of an ISDN phone.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_MAIN
The relation type URI for the main phone number of a person.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE
The relation type URI for the phone number of a mobile phone.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous phone number.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_OTHER_FAX
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous fax machine's phone
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_PAGER
The relation type URI for the phone number of a pager.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_RADIO
The relation type URI for the phone number of a radio phone.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_TELEX
The relation type URI for the phone number of a telex machine.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_TTY_TDD
The relation type URI for the phone number of a TTY TTD.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK
The relation type URI for the phone number of a work place.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_FAX
The relation type URI for the phone number of a work fax machine.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_MOBILE
The relation type URI for the phone number of a work mobile phone.
- public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_PAGER
The relation type URI for the phone number of a work pager.
- public const string GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_HOME
The relation type URI for the postal address of a home.
- public const string GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_OTHER
The relation type URI for a miscellaneous postal address.
- public const string GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_WORK
The relation type URI for the postal address of a workplace.
- public const string GD_REMINDER_ALERT
The method
for an alert to appear in the user's browser.
- public const string GD_REMINDER_EMAIL
The method
for an alert to be sent to the user by e-mail.
- public const string GD_REMINDER_SMS
The method
for an alert to be sent to the user by SMS.
- public const string GD_WHERE_EVENT
The relation type URI for an event location.
- public const string GD_WHERE_EVENT_ALTERNATE
The relation type URI for an alternate event location, such as a
video conference site.
- public const string GD_WHERE_EVENT_PARKING
The relation type URI for an event's parking lot.
- public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_ATTENDEE
The relation type URI for a general meeting or event attendee.
- public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_ORGANIZER
The relation type URI for an event organizer (not necessarily an
- public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_PERFORMER
The relation type URI for an event performer, which is similar to
GD_WHO_EVENT_SPEAKER, but with more emphasis on art rather than
- public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_SPEAKER
The relation type URI for a speaker at an event.
- public const string LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST
The relation type URI of the access control list location for this
- public const string LINK_ALTERNATE
The relation type URI for alternate resources to the current one.
- public const string LINK_BATCH
The relation type URI for the batch operation URI for a given
- public const string LINK_EDIT
The relation type URI of the edit location for this resource.
- public const string LINK_EDIT_MEDIA
The relation type URI of the edit location for media resources
attached to this resource.
- public const string LINK_ENCLOSURE
The relation type URI for attached objects which may be large in
- public const string LINK_PARENT
The relation type URI of the of the location of the parent resource
in a hierarchy of entries.
- public const string LINK_RELATED
The relation type URI for resources related to the current one.
- public const string LINK_RESUMABLE_CREATE_MEDIA
The relation type URI of the resumable upload location for resources
attached to this resource.
- public const string LINK_RESUMABLE_EDIT_MEDIA
The relation type URI of the resumable update location for resources
attached to this resource.
- public const string LINK_SELF
The relation type URI for the current resource.
- public const string LINK_VIA
The relation type URI for the source document of the current
- public const int MAJOR_VERSION
Evaluates to the major version of the GData headers at compile time.
- public const int MICRO_VERSION
Evaluates to the micro version of the GData headers at compile time.
- public const int MINOR_VERSION
Evaluates to the minor version of the GData headers at compile time.
- public const string OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI_OOB
OAuth 2 redirect URI for out-of-band authorisation code transfer,
where the user is shown the authorisation code and asked to copy it.
- public const string OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI_OOB_AUTO
OAuth 2 redirect URI for out-of-band authorisation code transfer,
where the user is not shown the authorisation code or asked to copy it.
There was an error while processing or thumbnailing the video and it
should be deleted.
- public const string PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_FINAL
The video has been processed and thumbnailed.
The video is still being processed.
- public const string PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_READY
The video has been processed, but still needs thumbnailing.
- public const string TASKS_STATUS_COMPLETED
A value for
status indicating the task has been completed.
- public const string TASKS_STATUS_NEEDS_ACTION
A value for
status indicating the task still needs action before it is complete.
- public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_COMMENT
- public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_COMMENT_VOTE
- public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_EMBED
- public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_RATE
- public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_SYNDICATE
An action allowing YouTube to show the video on mobile phones and
televisions, for use with set_access_control.
- public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_VIDEO_RESPOND
The aspect ratio for widescreen (16:9) videos.
- public const string YOUTUBE_LICENSE_CC
Value for
license to restrict search results to only videos which are Creative
Commons licensed.
- public const string YOUTUBE_LICENSE_STANDARD
Value for
license to restrict search results to only videos which are under the
standard YouTube license.
- public const string YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_MPAA
- public const string YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_V_CHIP