Introspect the enumeration and use its nick to produce the value. Defaults to TRUE.
An enum declared as 'ENUM_VALUE', its value is converted to 'enum-value'. Without this option the output is a complete name definition as declared by GLib.
An enum value like : Myenum.ENUM_VALUE, is converted to 'enum-value' if no camel_case is enable and use_nick is enable; to 'EnumValue' if camel_case is true and use_nick is enable; and to 'MYENUM_ENUM_VALUE' if use_nick is set to false.
An enum value like : Myenum.VALUE, is converted to 'value' if if no camel_case is enable; to 'Value' if if no camel_case is enable; and to 'MYENUM_VALUE' if use_nick is set to false.
The value can be converted to upper cases if upper_case is set to true.
If use_nick is set to false and upper_case is set to false, the value will be the lower case of the GLib default representation. For Myenum.ENUM_VALUE, the value will be 'myenum_enum_value'. Set upper_case to true, to keep the default GLib upper cases representation.