[ CCode ( cprefix = "GTK_STATE_FLAG_" , type_id = "gtk_state_flags_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Flags ]
public enum StateFlags
Describes a widget state.
Widget states are used to match the widget against CSS pseudo-classes. Note that GTK extends the regular CSS classes and sometimes uses
different names.
Enum values:
- ACTIVE - Widget is active.
- BACKDROP - Widget is in a background
toplevel window.
- CHECKED - Widget is checked.
- DIR_LTR - Widget is in left-to-right text
- DIR_RTL - Widget is in right-to-left text
- DROP_ACTIVE - Widget is highlighted as a
drop target for DND.
- FOCUSED - Widget has the keyboard focus.
- INCONSISTENT - Widget is inconsistent.
- INSENSITIVE - Widget is insensitive.
- LINK - Widget is a link.
- NORMAL - State during normal operation.
- PRELIGHT - Widget has a mouse pointer over
- SELECTED - Widget is selected.
- VISITED - The location the widget points to
has already been visited.