[ CCode ( cprefix = "GOO_CANVAS_EVENTS_" , type_id = "goo_canvas_pointer_events_get_type ()" ) ]
[ Flags ]
public enum CanvasPointerEvents
Specifies when an item receives pointer events such as mouse clicks.
Enum values:
- ALL - the item's perimeter and interior
receive events, whether it is visible or painted or not.
- FILL - the item's interior receives
events, whether it is visible or painted or not.
- FILL_MASK - a mask indicating
that the filled part of the item receives events.
- NONE - the item doesn't receive events
at all.
- PAINTED - the item receives events
in its painted areas, whether it is visible or not.
- PAINTED_MASK - a mask
indicating that the item only receives events when the specified parts of it are painted.
- STROKE - the item's perimeter
receives events, whether it is visible or painted or not.
- STROKE_MASK - a mask indicating
that the stroked part of the item receives events.
- VISIBLE - the item receives events
when it is visible, whether it is painted or not.
- VISIBLE_FILL - the item's
interior receives events when it is visible.
- VISIBLE_MASK - a mask
indicating that the item only receives events when it is visible.
- VISIBLE_PAINTED - the item
receives events in its painted areas when it is visible (the default).
- VISIBLE_STROKE - the item's
perimeter receives events when it is visible.