Example listing:
- String to bool
- Bool to string
- String to bool, with error detection
- General samples
- Clamp
- Determine the character as a decimal digit
- Determine whether a character is alphanumeric
- Determines whether a character is alphabetic
- Determine whether a character is a control character
- Determine whether a character is digit
- Determine whether a character is a
printing character and not a space
- Determine whether a character is an lower case
- Determine whether a character is a printing
- Determine whether a character is a punctuation
- Determine whether a character is a white-space
- Determine whether a character is an upper case
- Determine whether a character is an upper case
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Convert a character to lower case
- Char to string
- Convert a character to upper case
- Convert a char-digit to hex-digit
- Clamp
- Convert a double to a string (Buffer)
- Infinity
- Check whether a double is finite
- Check whether a double represents infinity
- Check whether the double represents a number
- Determines if the given double is normal
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Double and NAN
- String to double
- Double to string (with buffer)
- Double to string
- String to double, with error detection
- Clamp
- Infinity
- Check whether a float is finite
- Check whether a float is infinite
- Check whether the double represents a number
- Determines if the given floating point number is
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Double and NAN
- Float to string
- General samples
- Append a single value
- Append values
- Simple array access
- Insert a single value
- Insert values
- Prepend a single value
- Prepend values
- Remove a element
- Remove a element (fast)
- Remove all elements in a given range
- Sets the size of the array
- Async queue
- Base64, decode
- Base64, encode
- Compute the numbers of bits used to store a
given number
- Compute the checksum of a string (convenience
- Compute the checksum of a file
- Compare functions
- Conditions
- Logging, critical
- Logging, debug
- Directory listing
- List all environment variables
- Locate the executable
- Get the value of an environment variable
- Get the names of all variables set in the
- Logging, error
- Exception sample
- Reset the error flags and the
GLib.FileStream.EOF indicator
- Check if the end of file has been reached
- Check the given stream for errors
- Flush the stream
- Read chars from the stream
- Read chars from a stream
- Write a formatted string to the stream
- Write a char to the stream
- Write a string to the stream
- Read n bytes
- Read a line
- Move the stream to the beginning of the file
- Read a formatted string
- Change the current position
- Get current position
- "Unget" a character
- Write a formatted string to the stream (va_list)
- Write a byte-buffer to the stream
- Test whether a file exists,
is executable, is a directory, a symlink or regular
- Add a value to the end of the array
- Get the stored data
- Apply a function to each element
- Get the nth entry
- Get the number of stored items
- Remove the first occurrence of the given data
- Remove the first occurrence of the given data, fast
- Remove the nth element
- Remove the nth element, fast
- Remove a range of elements
- Set the item at the specified index
- Sort all items
- Sort all items (with data)
- Add a element to the set
- Add a element to the set
- Check if key is in the table
- Predicate based search
- Apply a function to each element
- Filter all entries
- Get the value for a key
- Get the keys
- Get all values
- Create hash tables with hash/cmp
functions for different types
- Inserts new keys and values
- Lookup
- Removes a entry
- Remove all entries
- Replace a value
- Associate a value with a key
- Return the number of stored entries
- HashTable, iter
- Watch a file with IOChannel
- KeyFile handling
- Append a value
- Concatenate two lists
- Create a copy
- Delete a link
- Find the link which contains the given data
- Find the link containing the given data, custom
- Get the first element
- Apply a function to each element
- Get the link-position containing the given data
- Insert
- Insert before
- Insert, sorted
- Insert, sorted (with data)
- Get the last element
- Get the length
- Get the nth element
- Get the data of the nth element
- Get the element n places before a link
- Get the position of a link
- Prepend a value
- Remove a value
- Removes all links
- Remove a link
- Reverse
- Sort all items
- Sort all items (with data)
- MainLoop
- Map a file and print its content and size
- GMarkup-Parser
- Arc cosine (double)
- Arc cosine (float)
- Arc sine (double)
- Arc sine (float)
- Arc tangent (double)
- Arc tangent (float)
- Arc tangent of y/x (double)
- Arc tangent of y/x (float)
- Rounds x upward (float)
- Cosine (double)
- Rounds x upward (double)
- Cosine (float)
- Rounds x downward (double)
- Rounds x downward (float)
- Round double to int64
- Round float to int64
- Round double to long
- Round float to long
- Calculate x^y (double)
- Calculate x^y (float)
- Calculate 10^x (double)
- Calculate 10^x (float)
- Round (double)
- Round (float)
- Sine (double)
- Sine (float)
- Square root (double)
- Square root (float)
- Tangent (double)
- Tangent (float)
- Compare two blocks of memory
- Copy bytes from src to dest
- Copy n bytes
- Move block of memory
- Fill block of memory
- Logging, message
- Mutex
- Commandline parsing
- Build a file name
- Build a path
- Get the directory separator
- Get the directory separator as string
- Get the basename
- Get the directory name
- Check whether a path is absolute
- Check whether a character is a directory separator
- Get the search path separator
- Get the search path separator as string
- Skip the root component
- Match a string against a pattern
- Compare two compiled pattern specs
- Match a string against a compiled pattern (full)
- Match a string against a compiled pattern
- Cause abnormal program termination (Abort)
- Terminate the program
- Spawn, async
- Spawn with pipes, async
- Spawn a command line, async
- Spawn a command line, sync
- Spawn, sync
- Add a pointer
- Apply a function to each element
- Get the nth pointer
- Get the length
- Create a PtrArray with a free-function
- Remove a value
- Remove, fast
- Remove index
- Remove index, fast
- Remove range
- Set a free func
- Sort all items
- Quarks
- Clear
- Copy
- Delete a link
- Find
- Find custom
- Get the length
- Get the index of data
- Insert after
- Insert before
- Insert sorted
- Check if a Queue is empty
- Get the length
- Peek head
- Peek nth
- Peek tail
- Pop head
- Pop nth
- Pop tail
- Push head
- Push nth
- Push tail
- Remove
- Remove all
- Reverse
- Sort all items
- Queues and Stacks
- RecMutex, nested critical sections
- Regex, escape string
- Regex, match
- Match, simple
- Regex, replace
- Replace literal
- Split simple
- RW-Locks
- Append a value
- Apply a function to each element
- Foreach, range
- Foreach, range
- Get data that a iter points to
- Get the begin iterator
- Get the end iterator
- Get the nth iter
- Get the length
- Insert before
- Insert before
- Insert sorted
- Insert sorted, iter
- Lookup
- Lookup, iter-based
- Move
- Move
- Move a range
- Move a range
- Prepend
- Get the midpoint of a range
- Get the midpoint of a range
- Remove
- Remove
- Remove a range
- Remove a range
- Search
- Search, iter-based
- Set the item at the specified position
- Set the item at the specified position
- Sort all items
- Sort a single value
- Moves the data pointed to a new
position as indicated by cmp_func
- Moves the data pointed to a new
position as indicated by cmp_func
- Moves the data pointed to
a new position as indicated by cmp_func (iter-based)
- Moves the data pointed to
a new position as indicated by cmp_func (iter-based)
- Swap
- Swap
- Sequence, iter
- Parse a command line into an argument vector
- Quote a string
- Unquote a string
- Append a value
- Concatenate two lists
- Copy
- Delete a link
- Find the link containing the given data
- Find the link containing the given data, custom
- Apply a function to each element
- Get the link-position containing the given data
- Insert
- Insert, before
- Insert, sorted
- Insert, sorted with data
- Get the last container
- Length
- Get the nth link
- Get the nth item
- Gets the position of the given link
- Prepend
- Remove a entry
- Remove all
- Remove a link
- Reverse
- Sort all items
- Sort all items (with data)
- Get the closest prime number
- Append a string
- Append a char
- Append n bytes of a string
- Append a formatted string
- Append a unichar
- Append a formatted string (va_list)
- Override the content
- Erase
- Insert
- Insert unichar
- Prepend a string
- Prepend a char
- Prepend n bytes of a string
- Prepend a unichar
- Write a formatted string to the builder
- Cuts off the end of the builder
- Write a formatted string to the builder, va_list
- Register a new test case
- Bug tracker integration
- Mark a test as failed
- Test, initialization
- Print a message
- Timers
- Reproducible random bits
- Reproducible random doubles
- Reproducible random constricted doubles
- Reproducible random integers
- Reproducible random constricted integers
- Runs all tests under the toplevel suite
- Assert that the last test subprocess failed
- Assert that the last test subprocess passed
- Assert stderr
- Assert stderr, unmatched
- Assert stdout
- Assert stdout, unmatched
- Run a case in a subprocess (deprecated)
- Run a case in a subprocess
- Check the result of the last fork
- Add a timeout to a test
- Threads
- Thread pools
- Timeout sources
- Timers
- Apply a function to each element
- Get the height of the tree
- Inserts a new key and value
- Lookup
- Lookup, extended
- Get the number of nodes
- Remove a key/value pair
- Inserts/replace a new key and value
- Search a Tree using a tree-search-func
- Search a Tree using a search-func
- Escape strings
- Split an URI list
- Parse scheme
- Unescape segments
- Unescape strings
- Get a copy of the byte string
- Get a copy of the string
- Get a copy of the string array
- Get a boolean
- Get a byte
- Get a byte string
- Get a double
- Get a int16
- Get a int32
- Get a int64
- Get a string
- Get a string array
- Get the type string for the type
- Get a uint16
- Get a uint32
- Get a uint64
- Check if a string is a valid D-Bus type signature
- Variant iterators
- Create a new bool Variant
- Create a new byte Variant
- Create a new byte string Variant
- Create a new byte string[] Variant
- Create a new double Variant
- Get a copy of the byte string[]
- Get a byte string[]
- Create a new int16 Variant
- Create a new int32 Variant
- Create a new int64 Variant
- Create a new string Variant
- Create a new string[] Variant
- Create a new uint16 Variant
- Create a new uint32 Variant
- Create a new uint64 Variant
- Create a new variant with a type string
- VariantBuilder
- Variant iter
- Logging, warning
- Compute the absolute value
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Get the maximum value which can be held in a int
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Get the minimum value which can be held in a int
- String to int
- Int to big endian
- Int to little endian
- Into to pointer
- Int to string
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Int8 to string
- Clamp
- printf, int16
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Int16 to string
- Clamp
- printf, int32
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Int32 to string
- Compute the absolute value
- Clamp
- printf, int64
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- String to int64
- Int64 to string
- String to int64, with error detection
- Compute the absolute value
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- String to long
- Long to string
- Sort all items
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Short to string
- Clamp
- printf, size_t
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Size_t to string
- Clamp
- printf, ssize_t
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Ssize_t to string
- Write to stderr
- Read from stdin
- Write to stdout
- Compare strings, ignoring the case
- Compare n bytes of strings, ignoring the case
- Replace invalid chars
- Utf8-handling, length in characters
- Remove trailing whitespace
- Remove trailing whitespace (inline)
- Remove leading whitespace from a string
- Remove leading whitespace from a string (inline)
- Concatenate given strings
- Check if a needle exists in string
- Replace any delimiter characters with another one
- Replace any delimiter characters with another
one (inline)
- Converts all characters to lowercase
- Copy a string
- Escapes special characters
- Unescape special characters
- Utf8-handling, get_char
- Utf8-handling, get_next_char
- Utf8-handling, get_prev_char
- Check whether the string begins with a prefix
- Check whether the string ends with a suffix
- Find the leftmost occurrence of the given string
- Find the leftmost occurrence of the given unichar
- Convert a character index to a byte index
- Joins a number of strings
- Join a string-array to a single string
- Find the rightmost occurrence of a string
- Find the rightmost occurrence of the given char
- Get the byte-length
- Fill a string with n chars
- Utf8-handling, normalization
- Utf8-handling, prev_char
- Format a string with printf
- Replace all occurrences of a string
- Reverse a string
- Search for the last occurrence of a substring
- Parse a string with scanf
- Extract text from one string
- Remove a portion of the string and replaces it
- Split a string
- Split a string, multiple delimiters
- Remove leading and trailing whitespace
- Removes leading and trailing whitespace (inline)
- Substring
- String ... to string
- Convert all lowercase ASCII letters to uppercase
- General samples
- Check position for a valid char
- Format a string with printf
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Uchar to string
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Uint to string
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Get the maximum value which can be held in a uint8
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Get the minimum value which can be held in a uint8
- Uint8 to string
- Clamp
- printf, uint16
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Uint16 to string
- Clamp
- printf, uint32
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Uint32 to string
- Clamp
- printf, uint64
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- String to uint64
- Uint64 to string
- String to uint64, with error detection
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Ulong to string
- Clamp
- Determine whether a character is alphanumeric
- Determine whether a character is alphabetic
- Determine whether a character is digit
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Unichar to string
- Clamp
- Calculate the maximum via .max()
- Calculate the minimum via .min()
- Ushort to string
- Variable Arguments
2022 vala-language.org