

[ Version ( since = "2.70" ) ]
public void* get_region (size_t element_size, size_t offset, size_t n_elements)

Gets a pointer to a region in this.

The region starts at offset many bytes from the start of the data and contains n_elements many elements of element_size size.

n_elements may be zero, but element_size must always be non-zero. Ideally, element_size is a static constant (eg: sizeof a struct).

This function does careful bounds checking (including checking for arithmetic overflows) and returns a non- null pointer if the specified region lies entirely within the this. If the region is in some way out of range, or if an overflow has occurred, then null is returned.

Note: it is possible to have a valid zero-size region. In this case, the returned pointer will be equal to the base pointer of the data of this, plus offset. This will be non-null except for the case where this itself was a zero-sized region. Since it is unlikely that you will be using this function to check for a zero-sized region in a zero-sized this, null effectively always means "error".



a Bytes


a non-zero element size


an offset to the start of the region within the this


the number of elements in the region


the requested region, or null in case of an error