Library to provide objects allowing to create Model-View-Controller type programs across DBus.
- Dee
- Analyzer - All fields in the DeeAnalyzer structure are
private and should never be accessed directly
- Client
- FileResourceManager
- FilterModel - All fields in the DeeFilterModel
structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- HashIndex - All fields in the DeeHashIndex structure
are private and should never be accessed directly
- ICUTermFilter
- Index - All fields in the DeeIndex structure are
private and should never be accessed directly
- ModelIter - The DeeModelIter structure is private and
should only be used with the provided Model API.
- ModelTag - The DeeModelTag structure is private and
should only be used with the provided Model API.
- Peer - All fields in the DeePeer structure are private and
should never be accessed directly
- ProxyModel - All fields in the DeeProxyModel structure
are private and should never be accessed directly
- SequenceModel - All fields in the DeeSequenceModel
structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- SerializableModel - All fields in the
DeeSerializableModel structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- Server
- SharedModel - All fields in the DeeSharedModel
structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- TermList - All fields in the DeeTermList structure are
private and should never be accessed directly
- TextAnalyzer - All fields in the DeeTextAnalyzer
structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- Transaction - All fields in the DeeTransaction
structure are private and should never be accessed directly
- TreeIndex - All fields in the DeeTreeIndex structure
are private and should never be accessed directly
- Filter - Structure encapsulating the mapping logic used
to construct a FilterModel
- ModelReader - Structure encapsulating the
information needed to read strings from a model.
Error domains: