[ CCode ( cprefix = "ATK_RELATION_" , type_id = "atk_relation_type_get_type ()" ) ]
public enum RelationType
Describes the type of the relation
Enum values:
- CONTROLLED_BY - Indicates an object
controlled by one or more target objects.
- CONTROLLER_FOR - Indicates an
object is an controller for one or more target objects.
- DESCRIBED_BY - Reciprocal of
- DESCRIPTION_FOR - Reciprocal of
- DETAILS - Reciprocal of
- DETAILS_FOR - Reciprocal of
- EMBEDDED_BY - Reciprocal of
EMBEDS, indicates that this object's content is visualy embedded in another
- EMBEDS - Indicates that the object visually
embeds another object's content, i.e. this object's content flows around another's content.
- ERROR_FOR - Reciprocal of
- ERROR_MESSAGE - Reciprocal of
- FLOWS_FROM - Indicates that the object
has content that flows logically from another AtkObject in a sequential way, (for instance text-flow).
- FLOWS_TO - Indicates that the object has
content that flows logically to another AtkObject in a sequential way, (for instance text-flow).
- LABELLED_BY - Indicates an object is
labelled by one or more target objects.
- LABEL_FOR - Indicates an object is a
label for one or more target objects.
- LAST_DEFINED - Not used, this value
indicates the end of the enumeration.
- MEMBER_OF - Indicates an object is a
member of a group of one or more target objects.
- NODE_CHILD_OF - Indicates an object
is a cell in a treetable which is displayed because a cell in the same column is expanded and identifies that cell.
- NODE_PARENT_OF - Indicates an
object is a cell in a treetable and is expanded to display other cells in the same column.
- NULL - Not used, represens "no relationship"
or an error condition.
- PARENT_WINDOW_OF - Indicates that
an object is a parent window of another object.
- POPUP_FOR - Indicates that an object is
a popup for another object.
- SUBWINDOW_OF - Indicates a subwindow
attached to a component but otherwise has no connection in the UI heirarchy to that component.
Static methods: