Provides the basic drawing functions such as lines, circles or polygons provided by SDL_gfx on SDL2 against renderers of SDL2.
- SDLGraphics
- Arc
- public int fill_color (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, int16 start, int16 end, uint32 color)
- public int fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, int16 start, int16 end, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_color (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, int16 start, int16 end, uint32 color)
- public int outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, int16 start, int16 end, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- BezierCurve
- public int color (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int vertices, int steps, uint32 color)
- public int rgba (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int vertices, int steps, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- Circle
- public int fill_color (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, uint32 color)
- public int fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_color (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, uint32 color)
- public int outline_color_aa (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, uint32 color)
- public int outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_rgba_aa (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, int16 radius, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- Ellipse
- public int fill_color (Renderer dst, int16 xc, int16 yc, int16 rx, int16 ry, uint32 color)
- public int fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 xc, int16 yc, int16 rx, int16 ry, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_color (Renderer dst, int16 xc, int16 yc, int16 rx, int16 ry, uint32 color)
- public int outline_color_aa (Renderer dst, int16 xc, int16 yc, int16 rx, int16 ry, uint32 color)
- public int outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 xc, int16 yc, int16 rx, int16 ry, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_rgba_aa (Renderer dst, int16 xc, int16 yc, int16 rx, int16 ry, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- Filter
- public int absolute_difference (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int add (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int add_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar addend)
- public int add_uint (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uint addend)
- public int and (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int binarize (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar threshold)
- public int clip (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar min, uchar max)
- public int convolve_3x3_divide (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar divisor)
- public int convolve_3x3_shift (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar shiftcount)
- public int convolve_5x5_divide (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar divisor)
- public int convolve_5x5_shift (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar shiftcount)
- public int convolve_7x7_divide (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar divisor)
- public int convolve_7x7_shift (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar shiftcount)
- public int convolve_9x9_divide (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar divisor)
- public int convolve_9x9_shift (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, int16[] kernel, uchar shiftcount)
- public void disable_mmx ()
- public int divide (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public void enable_mmx ()
- public int halve_add_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar addend)
- public int have_mmx ()
- public int mean (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int multiply (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int multiply_half (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int multiply_normalized (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int multiply_quarter (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int multiply_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar multiplicand)
- public int negate (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int normalize_linear (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, int cmin, int cmax, int nmin, int nmax)
- public int or (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int shift_left_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar shiftcount)
- public int shift_left_uint (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uint shiftcount)
- public int shift_right_multiply_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar shiftcount, uchar multiplicand)
- public int shift_right_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar shiftcount)
- public int shift_right_uint (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uint shiftcount)
- public int sobel (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns)
- public int sobel_shift (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int rows, int columns, uchar shiftcount)
- public int subtract (uchar[] src1, uchar[] src2, uchar[] dst, int length)
- public int subtract_uchar (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uchar subtrahend)
- public int subtract_uint (uchar[] src1, uchar[] dst, int length, uint subtrahend)
- Line
- public int color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uint32 color)
- public int color_aa (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uint32 color)
- public int color_h (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 x2, int16 y, uint32 color)
- public int color_v (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y1, int16 y2, uint32 color)
- public int rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int rgba_aa (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int rgba_h (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 x2, int16 y, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int rgba_v (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y1, int16 y2, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- Pixel
- public int color (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, uint32 color)
- public int rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- Polygon
- public int fill_color (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int n, uint32 color)
- public int fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int n, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_color (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int n, uint32 color)
- public int outline_color_aa (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int n, uint32 color)
- public int outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int n, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_rgba_aa (Renderer dst, int16[] vx, int16[] vy, int n, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- Rectangle
- public int fill_color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uint32 color)
- public int fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uint32 color)
- public int outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int rounded_fill_color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 rad, uint32 color)
- public int rounded_fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 rad, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int rounded_outline_color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 rad, uint32 color)
- public int rounded_outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 rad, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- RotoZoom
- public Surface rotozoom (Surface src, double degrees, double zoom, int smooth)
- public void rotozoom_size (int width, int height, double degrees, double zoom, ref int dstwidth, ref int dstheight)
- public void rotozoom_size_xy (int width, int height, double degrees, double zoomx, double zoomy, ref int dstwidth, ref int dstheight)
- public Surface rotozoom_xy (Surface src, double degrees, double zoomx, double zoomy, int smooth)
- public Surface zoom (Surface src, double zoomx, double zoomy, int smooth)
- public void zoom_size (int width, int height, double zoomx, double zoomy, ref int dstwidth, ref int dstheight)
- Text
- public int color (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, string s, uint32 color)
- public int rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x, int16 y, string s, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int set_font (void* fontdata, int cw, int ch)
- Trigon
- public int fill_color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 x3, int16 y3, uint32 color)
- public int fill_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 x3, int16 y3, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_color (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 x3, int16 y3, uint32 color)
- public int outline_color_aa (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 x3, int16 y3, uint32 color)
- public int outline_rgba (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 x3, int16 y3, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)
- public int outline_rgba_aa (Renderer dst, int16 x1, int16 y1, int16 x2, int16 y2, int16 x3, int16 y3, uchar r, uchar g, uchar b, uchar a)